How crucial is water for our body?

MIAMI.- Everyone has heard that water is essential for life. But have you ever stopped to think why it is so crucial and how it really benefits us? This question is asked by the Harvard School of Public Health in a publication that addresses how the vital liquid is practically the “oil” that moves the “machine” of the human body.

When you hear “nutrition,” you probably think of foods like fruits, vegetables, or meats. But water, although it has no calories, is vital for nutrition. According to the university report.

“Water plays a crucial role in almost all functions of the body.. For this reason, some studies suggest that humans can live without drinking water for 3 to 7 days, depending on the circumstances. However, they can survive several weeks without food. “This is how vital water is for life,” says the study.

Later it refers to the fact that water serves as a medium to transport nutrients and oxygen to the cells. “Without water they would not get what they need to function properly. It also regulates body temperature. For example, when it’s hot or after exercising. Sweat is a way to cool our body and it is all thanks to water.”

Essential for digestion and more

The aforementioned report suggests that water plays an essential role in digestion, the process by which the body breaks down food and absorbs nutrients.

“Water is like the “oil” of this machine (the body). Saliva, which contains water, begins the digestion process in our mouth. It helps us chew and swallow food. Water also makes it easier for the intestines to absorb nutrients of food. Imagine water as an elevator that takes nutrients where they need to go!

It is for this reason that there is an alert about the urgent need for clean water because dirty or contaminated can be very dangerous for health. “Sometimes, poor sanitary conditions in certain regions can endanger people’s well-being as impure water can contain germs that cause disease.”

“Drinking water is vital for our health. It not only keeps us hydrated, but also helps our body function properly. Make sure you drink the amount of water you need based on your needs and that the water you drink is clean and safe” , the publication infers.

“The next time you drink a glass of water, think about all the fantastic benefits it brings to your body! There is nothing better than water.”concludes the report from the Harvard University School of Public Health.


Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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