When getting dollars face girl the first options that come to mind savers is to change it quickly for large face or blue bills, since in many operations they are not accepted. In this sense, two alternatives arise: on the one hand, paying in the parallel market for a “ticket exchange service” and, on the other hand, deposit them in the bank. In the latter case, many savers wonder “how many dollars can I deposit in my account”.

This question makes sense, since in recent years banks have discouraged this practice and even, in times of pandemic with the rise of “digital coleros”, many financial institutions have requested proof of funds.

How many dollars can I deposit in my account without declaring?

As such there is no set number of dollars that can be deposited without declaringsince, in theory, it should be possible to justify all the money income o otherwise, it would be “illegally” obtained funds.

However, the banks they usually make a “profile” on each client to simplify the procedures, so that, depending on factors such as the number of operations carried out in the bank, the income declared, among others, the bank establishes a “virtual limit” on the dollars that person can deposit without having to declare their origin.

For example, if a person usually buys and withdraws $2,000 a month purchased on the MEP Market, and he has had the account for many years, a deposit of US$10,000 could be “normal”, since it would be the “savings” of 5 months.

On the other hand, if a monotributista who usually buys US$100 or less wishes to make a deposit of US$10,000, this could be extremely risky, since the chances that the bank will request a proof of funds it’s huge.

Deposits in dollars must “make sense” with registered purchases of this currency in the formal circuit

On the other hand, it is important to remember that AFIP establishes an amount of $90,000 per month for which it is not requested to justify the source of funds. In the case of dollars deposited, For the purposes of this calculation, it converts them to pesos, taking only as reference the “official” value.

However, it is important to remember that this $90,000 applies to all transactions made by each taxpayer per calendar month (money deposits, transfers, money deposited, fixed terms, etc.) regardless of what financial entity were done.

That is, if a bank made transfers for $50,000 and $40,000 was entered into a virtual wallet, both amounts are added, so the real amount is extremely low.

How many dollars can I deposit in the bank?

As we mentioned earlier, there is no minimum or maximum for deposit dollars in a ditch, since Depends on each person’s profileso said amount it’s super variable from one client to another.

In this regard, it should be remembered that, due to the “illegality” of buy blue dollar, The bank not only looks at the salary of its client, but also keeps a record of the legal operations of buying and selling foreign currency, therefore, a user with a high income in pesos, but few dollars “bought” in the formal market They could generate a lower deposit margin with respect to another client with a lower income, but a greater number of purchases in said markets.

How to deposit dollars in my Argentina account?

At the moment There are two ways of deposit dollars in your Argentine bank account: on the one hand, through a ATM and, on the other hand, in the form in person.

In the case of ATM, Although the procedure may vary depending on the bank, in general terms, The steps are the following:

  • Enter your debit card
  • enter your pin
  • select deposit
  • Choose your savings account or checking account in dollars
  • Deposit the dollars in the ATM
  • Confirm the operation

It should be noted that it may some ATMs they do not allow make this type of deposit.

Through simple steps, you can deposit your dollars through the ATM

Through simple steps, you can deposit your dollars through the ATM

On the other hand, in the case of doing so face-to-face you must follow the following steps:

  • Go to a bank branch, preferably your “assigned branch”, since in the others the withdrawals and deposits of dollars usually have an associated cost. In addition, it is important that you remember that, in some banks, you can reserve your appointment, taking less time than if you attend without a prior appointment.
  • advertise you
  • Tell the cashier the amount of dollars you are going to depositdeliver the tickets and your ID (in some cases they will ask you for the debit card)

Once you have completed the steps detailed above, the cashier will give you a document that certifies the deposit accomplished.

How to justify a deposit in dollars?

For justify and dollar deposit can present the following supporting documentation:

  • Billing, in the event that you make invoices in dollars
  • Documentation that supports the purchase of dollars such as purchase and sale tickets on the stock market (in the case of buying MEP dollars) or savings dollar purchase tickets
  • Documentation that certifies an income in dollarssuch as the bill of sale of a property or a motor vehicle
  • Declaration of the heirin case of inheritance
  • donation certificate
  • retirement assetsin the case of enjoying a retirement from abroad
  • Certificate of funds issued by a public accountant

These are some of the documents that can be presented to justify a dollar deposit. However, if there is any doubt or difficulty in proving the origin of the funds, it is best to go with a specialist to avoid a ROS (Suspicious Operation Report) and incur a fault.


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