The image quality of your screen on your PC, smartphone or television does not only depend on its design. The accumulation of dust or fingerprints spoil the rendering, and therefore the comfort of use. Here is how to clean your screens without damaging them.

Source: Frandroid

Whether it is a laptop, a PC or smartphone monitor or a television, the procedure for cleaning a screen is identical. The main difference will be at the level of the display diagonal. Count on average 13 to 17 inches for a laptop, 17 to 32 inches for a computer screen and 32 to 75 inches for a television. We will now detail how to properly clean a screen or television without risk.

How to clean a screen or a TV?

The right material

A good craftsman needs good tools, so we are going to list the necessary ones for optimal cleaning of your screen.

  • At least two soft cloths, if they are microfiber it is even better. Never use conventional fabrics like tea towels, napkins and also avoid paper towels which can scratch the surface.
  • Warm, clear water (preferably filtered to remove limescale) is enough to clean your screen. However, you can use a mixture of white vinegar or isopropyl alcohol (non-abrasive) with the proportions of 1/3 product to 2/3 lukewarm water. Finally, you can use household products dedicated to screens and only them! Still, water alone is enough in most cases.
  • Cotton swabs for treating edges and corners.
  • Remember to turn off the screen to avoid damaging it while cleaning it. In addition, dust, like traces, are much more visible in this way.

Do not use any product that is not dedicated to screens, do not use the vacuum cleaner to hope to remove dust effortlessly, never be brutal and everything should be fine.

Remove dust and smudges

If we can easily understand how dust can accumulate on a screen, the question sometimes arises for certain traces which seem to be embedded as if by magic.

  • First, use the first microfiber cloth to remove dust. Do a full-length or full-width motion, so you don’t miss a square inch. Be delicate and never press.
  • Use a cotton swab to remove dust that may accumulate around the edges of the screen. Again, be delicate and gentle.
  • Now that we have no more dust on the surface, slightly moisten with lukewarm water or a product dedicated to screens, the second microfiber cloth. There is no need to soak it in liquid, it must be very slightly damp. For this, preferably use a spray on the cloth.
  • Then, make a smooth circular motion from the center of the screen to its ends.
  • Finally, reuse the first cloth to remove traces due to humidity in a circular motion from the center of the screen to the ends.

At this point, your screen should be clean, but smudges may remain! Curb your first instinct which will surely be to rub harder, or even scratch the mark. Just never do it and follow these tips instead.

  • Dampen the second soft cloth again.
  • Make a circular motion again on the traces, but concentrating only on the dirty area.
  • If the trace persists, start again and again, the humidity and the movement will eventually eliminate it.
  • Always finish with a wipe with a soft dry cloth.

To prevent this type of stubborn traces from reappearing, remember to clean your screen regularly.

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