The beginning of the year is a good time to set goals in the short, medium and long term. Entrepreneurs and businessmen can also take advantage of this start to organize and think about strategies that can drive their business to success. Given this, it is important that every entrepreneur and businessperson organize and plan the course of their business properly so that during 2023 they can guarantee their success.

For that reason, Ismael Cala, speaker and inspirational author of best sellersshare 4 tips to manage your company or venture easily and efficiently:

1. Set your annual goal:

Like every start of the year, it is important that you can have your goals clear for this 2023. How many sales would you like to have between now and July? How many new clients would you like to have by the end of the year? To achieve them, you must carry out an action plan. What will I do to achieve all this?

2. Trust yourself:

To achieve all your goals that you have set for yourself, it is important that you trust yourself, believe in the various capacities that you have and that your collaborators have to move your business forward this 2023. Self-confidence will help you find new opportunities and will help you face the difficulties that arise.

3. Trust others:

When we are entrepreneurs we want to do everything and we do not delegate tasks, without thinking that this can cause problems. For example, if this season you need to strengthen your social networks, hire a community manager, temporarily or permanently, as best suits your budget. But it is necessary that you learn to delegate functions, since you are probably not a specialist in everything. Furthermore, not delegating responsibilities complicates initiatives for innovation, investment, etc. harming the growth of your business.

4. Take feedback into account:

During summer there are types of businesses that have higher sales such as ice cream parlors, flower shops for Valentine’s Day, etc. If you are dedicated to an area where perhaps sales may be lower than other months of the year, consider evaluating what other products or services to offer. Listen to your collaborators, clients and suppliers about what you should improve or what they would like to find in your business.

Seminar: Life Mastery

Finally, Cala highlights that we must reflect on the next steps we take to maintain healthy and functional work teams to guarantee the success of the company. In that sense, in March he will present his seminar “Life Mastery”for all those who wish to acquire personal development techniques and strategies, in order to stimulate leadership.

The seminar will take place at the Lima Convention Center next Saturday, March 18, 2023 from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Tickets are already on sale nationwide on the Teleticket website: life-mastery-ismael-cala.

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