How to weaken the enemy in a conflict?

The Supreme Court of Justice, as guardian and interpreter of the Constitution, is the highest court in the Nation that guarantees equality under the law.

Charles Evans Hughes, associate justice of the Supreme Court from 1910–1916, and eleventh chief justice from 1930–1941, compared the Court’s unique role by stating that “few courts in the world have the same authority of constitutional interpretation as “No one has exercised it for so long or with so much influence,” according to the Supreme Court website.

A good example of this impact was recently perceived regarding the almost sacrosanct possession of weapons, when the Court ruled on a law that prohibits domestic abusers from possessing firearms.

In another crucial issue such as abortion, the Supreme Court will have to decide on two key cases: whether a drug prescribed in more than 60% of abortions will remain available and whether in “Idaho v. United States” the capacity of hospitals to provide abortions will be limited. attend abortions during emergencies.

Although the above issues are linked to common civil rights, former President Donald Trump’s claim of immunity for his actions in the Capitol riots on January 6, 2022, will set a transcendent precedent in the country’s political life since Its outcome will decide whether charges brought by special prosecutor Jack Smith for Trump’s alleged attempt to block President Joe Biden’s victory in 2020 can continue.

Everyone’s question is how much time will the Supreme Court need to decide whether or not Trump should be immune from prosecution for the crimes of which he is accused before, during and after his presidency, taking into account the proximity of the elections? ?

The judges have been analyzing this issue since March and the expectation is general.

For many, the answer is simple: no one, attorney general, pop icon or ordinary citizen, should be above the law and even less a president who, as a leader chosen by the electorate to represent them, make them proud and keep them safe, should be above of the law and the Constitution.

Regardless of whether Trump is found guilty or not, particularly of attempting to interfere in the outcome of the 2020 election, the decision made by the Supreme Court will impact those who reach the highest political office in the country, although the fact cannot be separated from that any decision by the Court will cause an instant upheaval in the 2024 presidential race.

Six of the nine justices were appointed by Republican presidents, including three when Trump was in the White House and the remaining three by Democratic presidents, making the current Supreme Court one of the most conservative in modern American history.

Could some form of procedural immunity, based on the reason of the State, understood as a set of higher objectives, legitimize the actions of a politician and give respite to the executive branch and therefore to Trump?

It is not an easy decision because any false room for maneuver would be dangerous for democracy.

There was a data leak during the Roe v Wade abortion ruling in June 2022, could something similar happen again to test the waters?

Until now, Trump has shown himself immune to legal proceedings against him.

After his conviction on 34 counts of corporate fraud in Manhattan court, donations to his campaign increased significantly. In May, more than $170 million was raised, about $60 million more than was donated to Biden’s campaign.

If contributions continue to pour in for Trump at the current rate, they could make a difference, but if the judges conclude that no president should be granted immunity from prosecution, it could have a greater impact on the vote in November, particularly among independents.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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