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In 2017, Ahmed Sylla took his first steps in cinema. After two seasons in Alice Nevers, the judge is a woman on TF1, the actor got the leading role in the film The Ascension. A comedy which traces the true and incredible story of Nadir Dendoune, a young suburbanite who takes on the challenge of climbing Everest. Guest in Zen, the late show by Maxime Biaggi and Grimkujow, Ahmed Sylla remembered the filming of this feature film in which he starred opposite Alice Belaïdi. “I have stars in my eyes. I arrive at the casting, I’m stressed as hell. I have never learned a text so much, I have never rehearsed so much”he remembers the casting of The Ascension. “I found the story magnificent and it allowed me to enter the cinema with a non-cliché role.“, he explains of his decision to present himself for the character of Samy while, “there were several actors, there were even people better known than me.“Victory for Ahmed Sylla, he obtains the role which will change his life. But the filming does not leave only good memories for the actor who made a radical decision for the rest of his career because of The Ascension.

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“Never again” : Ahmed Sylla had a bad time filming the film The Ascension

If Ahmed Sylla did not actually climb the 8,849 meters of Everest, he was still close to reality during filming. It was crazy. I lost 7 kilos. I passed out there. It was very very hothe recounts this experience in Zen. He still retains what he gained from this journey in the cold, “Humanly, how do you come out of that, that is to say that you see people differently, you see life differently, really“, he assures. But after this filming, Ahmed Sylla still made a radical decision for the rest of his career. Asked about his desire to go to the mountains since this film, he answers without thinking, “No more ever“, before revealing that, I refused a film that took place in the snow, in fact, because of that.

“He risks his life” : Ahmed Sylla warns Inoxtag

What was only fiction for Ahmed Sylla will soon be reality for the influencer Inoxtag. Michou’s best friend, former candidate for Dancing with the Stars, decided to take on the challenge of climbing Everest. The 21-year-old gives himself a year of preparation before going to the Roof of the World. He also discussed this project with Ahmed Sylla, as revealed by the actor, who warned him of the danger of this challenge. “He’s risking his life there. Really. You don’t know, until the last moment, how your body will react. There are people who are highly trained, they are experienced mountaineers, they died on the spot“, he warns about this decision.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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