You are currently viewing "I should rather run on the gay roles" : Vincent Dedienne reacts to Muriel Robin’s comments on homophobia in cinema

This Sunday, September 24, Vincent Dedienne was invited to the RTL premises. The opportunity for him to return to Muriel Robin’s comments concerning homophobia in cinema.

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On the set of What an era! On September 16, Muriel Robin spoke bluntly about homophobia within the film industry. “I’m the only actress in the world to say she’s homosexual, in the world! Jodie Foster, she kept silent for thirty years. She hid, and the day she came out, she said: ‘And too bad now if my films no longer come out in 3,000 theaters, but I’ll be able to live my love out in the open!’ said Muriel Robin to Léa Salamé, before adding: “Name me, in the world, an actor or actress (openly homosexual) who has had a great career?”

Vincent Dedienne: “I found her superb, Muriel”

Muriel Robin’s words very quickly caused cinema personalities to react. Among them, there is Vincent Dedienne, who spoke this Sunday, September 24 at the microphone of RTL in Indulge. The young actor supports his friend… except for one detail. “I found her superb, Muriel. I found what she said astonishing. There are several things at play there. Indeed, I too know homosexual actors who don’t say it . It’s not really that they all don’t say it to have a career in the cinema. Sometimes, they don’t say it because their parents don’t know about it, for example. It’s complicated to make generalizations. Me, I’m lucky, because I’m practically only offered hetero roles in the cinema”he explained first.

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Vincent Dedienne: “I don’t feel confronted with homophobia in cinema”

“What is certain is that Muriel, when she began her acting career (…), we were not where we are today on queer issues or on questions of society”he added, before explaining that, for him, it is a question of generation. “Today, I’m fine. I don’t feel confronted with homophobia in the cinema. I’m offered a lot of things and I have to chase after gay roles. I did one in The Embrace. When we are transparent and tell the truth, we feel better, therefore we play better. We are a better actor”he concluded.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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