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This September 24, France 3 invites fans of Notebooks by Max Liebermann. This third and final episode closes the third season. Will there be a sequel?

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This Sunday, September 24, France 3 broadcasts the last episode of the third season of the mini-series The notebooks of Max Liebermann. Three exciting new episodes see the duo Oskar Rheinhardt on the police side and Max Liebermann on the psychiatrist side come back to life. Today’s episode puts an end to this third chapter while giving hope for a sequel for the two investigators.

The notebooks of Max Liebermann : what is season 3 about?

We are pleased to find the settings of Vienna at the beginning of the century: the department stores, the historic center. The adventures of Liebermann and Rheinhardt take them this time into the world of fashion to meet a killer obsessed with youth and beauty. Then in a hospice which welcomes former soldiers who served in China during the Boxer Rebellion. In the third episode, the characters have a new experience of cinema and meet a big screen star who is murdered during the premiere of his film. The two men also make some progress on a personal level and Oskar finally lets his guard down. Even if the strings are sometimes a little big and the characters a little over-the-top, the stories are gripping and use a wide range of historical references, including the rise of National Socialism. Finally, one of the significant assets of the series concerns the particularly careful sets and costumes which evoke the beauty of an era of splendor.

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The notebooks of Max Liebermann : will there be a season 4?

The success of the last seasons is such that the series has now been renewed for a fourth season. With filming starting last summer, the broadcast will still have to wait but we already know that the two friends will return to solve new Viennese cases.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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