Iaki Urdangarin ends his sentence today: this is his personal life

It will take five years for him to stop having a criminal record, but Iaki Urdangarin can now say that he is a free man, after being sentenced by the Palma Court to five years and ten months for his involvement in the Nos case. for malpractice, malfeasance, fraud, tax offenses and influence peddling.

At 56 years old, and divorced of Infanta Cristinadaughter of King Emeritus Juan Carlos I, the Vitorian tries to rebuild his life in his city in the Basque Country, in an apartment near that of his mother, Claire Libaert, his faithful support in recent yearsthe most difficult of his life, after succeeding as a handball player in Barcelona (witness that one of his four children, Pablo, has taken in) and later becoming related to the royal family.

A relationship that ended precisely a few months ago, at the end of 2023, after 26 years of marriage. Although Felipe VI’s sister always supported their relationship and even refused to get divorced to try to prevent his problems from affecting her and the institution, The turning point in their romance was the publication of some images of him in a complicit and affectionate attitude with Ainhoa ​​Armentia.43 years old, whom I met working in a law firm after achieving parole.

Just like what happened when I met the daughter of Juan Carlos I, Urdangarin had to end his previous relationship to start a new one, but in this case the breakup was public and, instead of gaining privileges, he has lost them.. The former dukes of Palma opted for a notarial divorce, but almost certainly always represented by a representative, and their children would have had to give their consent for measures taken that affected their respective lives.

Although There would have been speculation for a long time in different media about whether the former athlete would receive a pension on the part of Felipe VI’s sister, who would have been supporting the family since he stopped working at Telefónica more than ten years ago, as anticipated. Hola! a few weeks ago this is not like that. According to the information in the magazine, they reached an agreement so that their four children (Juan, Pablo, Miguel and Irene) have their common expenses covered and also so that both have the same opportunities given the enormous difference in income between the two.

Yes, they will ensure that their children continue to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle, regardless of who they are with, so they could continue making vacation and trip plans with their father when they are together. Thus There is no fixed amount, but it will depend on the needs of the young people.


Infanta Cristina is Iaki Urdangarin.Cati CladeraDIARY AS

New life in Vitoria

Thus, the former athlete, who was admitted on June 18, 2018 to the women’s prison of Brieva (vila) for the ruling of the case Nos.in which he remained until January 2021, after later obtaining permission to collaborate in two centers, without the protection of the Royal House and without the influence that that relationship gave him, must now earn a living and his environment ensures that he is not, precisely, in a buoyant situation.

According to what was recently published by the magazine Weekthe former Duke of Palma works in a small construction company based in an industrial estate on the outskirts of Vitoria, which is owned by a lifelong neighbor of the Urdangarins, although journalist Silvia Tauls, from Vanitatis, indicates that this work would be from Armentia, with whom she has already been in a relationship for two years, living in an apartment in the same urbanization. that his mother. She also has two children from her marriage.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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