"If I had heard this, I would have saved thousands of dollars"

A Cuban woman from Miami has shared the advice she would have liked to hear when she arrived in the United States. A message for newcomers, which, based on her experience, people seeking a new life in the country should take into account.

TikTok user @karlybeautyservices captioned the video: “Things I so regret spending my money on when I got back from Cuba.”

“If you are coming from Cuba, I am going to give you some advice that I was given and that I didn’t listen to,” the Cuban woman begins by saying. “If I had heard this, I would have saved myself thousands of dollars. There will be many people who will disagree with me, but the truth here is that all jobs require a license or a certification.”.

The young woman explains that, although studying and improving oneself is important, it is not necessary to pass all the courses and obtain all the licenses that others recommend. “Reason, you are only one person. You cannot be a medical assistant and everything at the same time. All those courses cost money, plus everything they ask for the courses.”he comments.

The Cuban admits to having taken courses in real estate and medical assistant, but that she is not practicing either of those professions. “Right now, I could have saved the money I spent on those courses. Those courses will always be there, but it is worthless to have them stored away in a drawer like invested money,” she says.

The video also addresses the difficulty of finding work in the United States without contacts or previous experience. “Here it is quite difficult to get a job without knowing someone or having experience. Unless you already know that you have a focus on that profession,” he says.

The Cuban concludes her message by urging newcomers to invest their resources wisely. “If you are going to do something, it is to exercise it, not to save it. I am not saying that you should not study, but I do mean that you should make the most of your resources.”.

In the comments, many have shared their experiences about the challenges of being a newcomer and some agreed with this Cuban woman.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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