A little less than a year after the release of season 2 ofAlice in Borderland, Netflix announced the start of work on a third round of episodes. Many spectators are happy, others fear it will be a waste.

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Alice in Borderland will soon return for season 3 on Netflix. The streaming platform announced the start of a third round on September 28. “New season. New game” she wrote on X, in the caption of a photo of a large red three, cut from a Joker card. For now, almost no information on the plot of the next episodes has been released. We only know that “Kento Yamazaki and Tao Tsuchiya reprise their roles as Arisu and Usagi” as Netflix clarified in a press release. What should you really expect? Will the protagonists continue to fight against the card owners?

Alice in Borderland season 3: what we know about the plot

Season 3 ofAlice in Borderland formalizes the return of Arisu and Usagi. If we could believe them to be winners of the games at the end of season 2, “for now, the Joker card has appeared, announcing the triumphant return of Alice in Borderland” specifies Netflix before adding a few words on the issues of season 3 : “Fans can expect nothing less than an adrenaline roller coaster as the series continues to explore deep themes of humanity, sacrifice and the pursuit of a meaningful existence .” What upsets some fans is that the adventures developed in the 18 volumes and 65 chapters of the graphic novel on which the series is inspired have been transcribed in full on Netflix. They then fear that this sequel will be too far from the universe of the eponymous manga…

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Some fans worried that season 3 ofAlice in Borderland spoils the series

Netflix can choose to transpose mangas to the screen Alice in Borderland: Return Or Alice on Border Road, or imagine a brand new sequel to the adventures of Usagi and Arisu. And this is what greatly worries some fans: “But why make a season 3 of Alice in Borderland??”, “But Alice in Borderland season 3 makes no sense”, “I love Alice in Borderland but I don’t understand at all their choice to do a season 3, the end of season 2 was excellent”, “What do you mean Alice in Borderland season 3 the manga is over??”, “Okay Netflix, you promise a season 3 of Alice in Borderland, know that I’ll be waiting for you around the corner! Don’t be stupid, the manga is finished normally…”.

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Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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