They investigate 20 senators from the Historical Pact for irregularities in the campaign

BOGOTA.- 65% of Colombians disapprove of the government President Gustavo Petroaccording to an opinion poll by the Opinómetro firm, which confirms that the president’s popularity is not at its best, when two years have passed since he arrived at the Casa de Nariño.

When asked, do you approve or disapprove of the way the president Gustavo Petro is running the country? 65% of those surveyed said they disapproved, while 29% said they approved. 6% opted for the Don’t know and Doesn’t answer option.

At the beginning of last May, a survey by the same firm revealed that disapproval of the president’s management was 61%, while 35% said they approved, reported.

The capital of the country, Bogotais one of the cities in which the percentages of disapproval of the president are highest: 68% of those surveyed said they disapproved of his management, compared to 24% who did approve.

In the central region of the country, 68% disapprove of Petro and 27% approve of him. In the Pacific, 56% disapprove and 37% approve, according to Opinómetro.

The survey also surveyed the opinion of Colombians regarding a possible re-election of the president: 66% said they disagreed, 26% agreed and 8% did not know or did not respond.

At the end of May, CB Consultora Opinión Pública revealed the results of the popularity ranking of the presidents of South America, in which Petro obtained a negative perception of 58.3%, while the positive perception was 38.6%.

Petro was among the leaders with the worst image on the continent, only behind the president of Peru, Dina Boluarte, who obtained 24.8% favorability and a negative image of more than 72%.

Source: With information from /

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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