Impunity for power is his legacy

STRASBOURG.- “From a Spanish Catalan to a Spaniard”, the MEP of the Popular Party (PP), Sorrows Montserratlashed out at the president of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sanchezand the amnesty law that was agreed with the Catalan independence movement, Carles Puigdemontin exchange for the votes he required for his re-election.

During the plenary session of the European Parliament (EP), held on December 13 in Strasbourg, France, the vice president of the European People’s Party (EPP) urged the European community to “listen to Spain’s clamor against Sánchez’s amnesty,” which he assured, represents the “simultaneous decay” of European values ​​and Spanish democracy.

“Spain says no to an amnesty, a blow to democracy and very serious crimes of terrorism and corruption”Montserrat stressed, while denying that Spain was going to “threaten judges” and create Lawfare commissions, as Puigdemont’s Together for Catalonia party (JuntsXCat) recently assured before the Spanish Congress.

In addition, he condemned the meeting that Sánchez held at the beginning of December in Geneva, Switzerland, with representatives of Puigdemont, who in 2017 fled to Belgium to avoid facing Spanish justice, after unilaterally declaring the independence of Catalonia.

“Spain says no to the supreme infamy of transferring national sovereignty from Parliament to a clandestine table of shame, outside the European Union, with an international mediator between the Government of Spain and fugitives from justice,” he asserted.

“Impunity for power”

In her short intervention, the conservative leader unceremoniously attacked Sánchez, who recalled that during her electoral campaign she had denied the possibility of an amnesty, which in her opinion, creates “first and second class Spaniards”.

“Your story is false, Mr. Sánchez. Here there is no generosity, greatness, or concord of any kind, Here there is only the personal interest of a politician without principles or words, who destroys everything to continue governing. Impunity for power, that is his legacyMr. Sánchez,” he stressed.

The MEP affirmed that Sánchez’s amnesty is “sell the dignity of Spain for seven votes to govern”. “Do you really think that a few more months in Moncloa are worth destroying judicial independence, the separation of powers and the equality of Spaniards before the law?” He questioned the Spanish president, highlighting that his actions have “zero in patriotism, ten in opportunism”.

Likewise, he warned that both Sánchez and Puigdemont are “wrong” if they think that the Spanish will allow them to carry out the amnesty. “Spain does not surrender, no one laughs at Spain because we are a great nation, one of the great European democracies and that is why we Spaniards will continue saying no tirelessly to the amnesty in the streets, in the courts and here in Europe,” he emphasized.

On November 11, Pedro Sánchez was sworn in as president of the Spanish Government, thanks to the support of JuntsXCat and the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV)despite having come second in the July 23 elections.

With the former, Sánchez agreed to an amnesty that has caused strong criticism and a wave of protests both inside and outside the country. While with the PNV, he agreed to negotiate the “national recognition” of the Basque Country and the “effective transfer” to it of all pending transfers included in the Statute of Guernica, approved in 1979, in a maximum period of two years.



Source: With information from Europa Press / AFP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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