Tuesday, February 14, 2023 | 4:45 p.m.

Inflation increased again in January, despite the national government’s attempts to control the prices of the basic food basket through wage agreements and other strategies. In January, prices rose more than they had risen in December, and Economy Minister Sergio Massa’s goal of reaching March with 3% inflation appears to be increasingly difficult.

In January, according to what was published that Tuesday by the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (Indec), prices increased by an average of 6% throughout the country, although significant differences are noted between regions and products. Thus, for example, food increased more in the Northeast of the country than in any other point of the national territory.

On average, the highest increases in the month were registered in the categories Recreation and culture (9%); Housing, water, electricity and other fuels (8%); and Communication (8%). For its part, Food and non-alcoholic beverages, the item with the greatest weight in the general index, registered 6.8%.

In the comparison by region of the country, the highest inflation was felt in Cuyo, with 6.4%. Then in the Northwest with a 6.3% average increase in consumer products. In the Pampas region, the price increase was 6.1%, these being the three regions that were above the average. Greater Buenos Aires tied the national average, with 6%. While with values ​​below the national average were Patagonia with 5.9% and the Northeast with 5.6%.


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