You are currently viewing iPhone 12: France bans sales due to excessive radiation

In France, iPhone 12s have no longer been allowed to be sold for a few days.

The reason for the decision is that the device’s SAR radiation is allegedly above the permitted limits. Apple is requested to correct these grievances as quickly as possible.

Values ​​above permitted maximum

The measured values ​​are 5.74 watts per kg of radiation on limbs when the device is worn on the body. The legal maximum in France is 4 watts per kg.

Not only is Apple no longer allowed to sell new iPhone 12 devices. The company should also ensure that the problem is fixed in devices that have already been sold.

Apple should make improvements

It says:

Therefore, Apple must immediately take all necessary measures to prevent the iPhone 12 from entering the supply chain. As for the phones already in use, Apple must take all necessary corrective measures to make the phones compliant as quickly as possible, otherwise Apple will have to recall the devices.

How the latter will be possible without a recall is not clear. Apple has not yet made a statement on the matter.


Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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