Better to wash your hair with hot or cold water

Rinsing your hair with cold water helps make it healthy and shiny: is it true or are we faced with a false myth? Let’s answer this question and find out what temperature the water with which to wash them should have.

Washing your hair properly is essential to keep it healthy. If you want to have beautiful and shiny hair you should therefore know all the secrets to do it best. You’ve probably always wondered whether it is better to wash your hair with hot or cold water. The answer to this question is not as trivial as you might think.

The benefits of washing your hair with cold water

Some people wash them with cold water because they think they can thus make them lucid. What has just been said is true. In fact, do it it favors the closure of the scales present on the hair and makes the capillary stem appear smoother. As a result, the hair appears shinier and therefore more beautiful. Washing them with cold water also allows them to better absorb moisturizing products such as masks or conditioners.

But then you should wash them with the cold water? As anticipated, the answer It’s not that easy and requires further clarification. In addition to the advantages we have just listed, there are also disadvantages that it is important to take into consideration.

For example, you should know that using cold water you can’t get rid of excess sebum and all the impurities that are deposited on the scalp.

Is it better to wash your hair with hot or cold water? Here’s what you should do

To wash your hair in the best way, you should proceed as we will suggest. First of all, after applying shampoo and any other products rinse them using warm water.

Rinse your hair with warm water

Rinse your hair with lukewarm water

Make sure that is never hot or boiling if you don’t want to run the risk of weakening your hair, making it produce excess sebum or irritating the scalp.

done that, wash them with a jet of cold water. In this way you will be able to obtain all the advantages listed above without incurring any negative effects.

In just a few steps you will have shiny hair like never before

Once you have towel-dried your hair and applied a heat-protective spray along the entire hair, you can proceed to dry it. You will notice that it will be shinier than ever!

Shiny hair like never before

Shiny hair like never before –

It’s amazing how the temperature of the water can greatly improve your hair without necessarily forcing you to go to the salon. If you have curly hair, we also advise you to avoid some fatal mistakes that could make your hair frizzy and affect its natural beauty.


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