What is better to drink or take vitamin D pills? In response to this situation, you can obtain this vitamin in three ways: through sunlight, diet and supplements, and then almost no one of us obtains a sufficient quantity.

How do we balance these sources wisely and risk-free to obtain the amount of vitamin D we need?

The body naturally produces vitamin D by converting ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun into this nutrient, which is not really a traditional vitamin but a hormone, according to European Health Institute.

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The body produces vitamin D when the skin is exposed directly to the sun. Image: Pixabay

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What is vitamin D and what is it used for?

Vitamin D is a liposoluble nutrient, necessary for health. The liposoluble vitamins are stored in the fatty tissue of the body and in the liver.

Vitamin D serves to help the body absorb calcium, one of the main substances needed to have strong bones and prevent osteoporosis, as published MedlinePlus.

In addition, the body lacks vitamin D for other functions:

  • The muscles they need for movement and nerves to transmit messages between the brain and other parts of the body.
  • It is essential so that the immune system can fight the bacteria and viruses that attack it.

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As we age, the body is less efficient at converting ultraviolet rays into this essential hormone. An older adult should be exposed to the sun almost as long as a child, so supplementing is an option.

What is better to drink or take vitamin D pills?

The diet in some countries does not offer much good sources of vitamin D. Therefore, it would be necessary to take pills or vitamin D supplements to supplement what is missing.

For this reason, regularly exposing yourself to sunlight could be very beneficial, at least 10 minutes.

After a certain amount of exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays, the skin stops producing vitamin D. AARP.

How much vitamin D do I need?

The amount of vitamin D that a person needs per day will depend on their age. Next, the average recommended daily doses are indicated in micrograms (mcg) and international units (IU), according to National Institutes of Health (NIH):

stage of life recommended quantity
Babies up to 12 months 10 mcg (400 IU)
Children from 1 to 13 years old 15 mcg (600 IU)
Teenagers from 14 to 18 years old 15 mcg (600 IU)
Adults from 19 to 70 years old 15 mcg (600 IU)
Adults older than 71 years 20 mcg (800 IU)
Embarrassed or lactating women and adolescents 15 mcg (600 IU)
Various foods provide vitamin D to your body. Photo: Shutterstock

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What foods contain vitamin D?

  • Milk: it is fortified with around 3 mcg (120 IU) of vitamin D per serving, as well as many plant-based alternatives, such as soy milk, almond milk and oat milk. Sin embargo, los quesos y los helados, no suelen estar fortificados.
  • Cereals and some brands of orange juices, yoghurts, margarines and other products contain added vitamin D.
  • The fatty fish: such as trout, salmon, tuna and caballa, as well as fish liver oil, are among the best natural sources of vitamin D.
  • liver of beef cattle, the egg yolk and the one that contains small amounts of vitamin D.
  • The mushrooms provide some vitamin D: Some fungi are exposed to ultraviolet light to increase their vitamin D content.


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