Israel's presenter at Eurovision: Many votes will go to Israel just as they went to Ukraine because of the war

At the 68th edition of Eurovision It is marked by controversy and there are more than four months left until its celebration. Israel’s participation in the Song Festival has raised all kinds of suspicions as a result of the conflict with Palestine in the Gaza Strip since last October 7. Thousands of Finnish artists signed a petition urging a ban on the Middle Eastern country participating in the next installment of Eurovision.

The European Broadcasting Union (EU) He ignored it and confirmed that Israel would be at the festival. Assi Azzarwho directs Rising Stara Benidorm Fest-style contest that decides the identity of the Israeli representative, has celebrated the international organization’s decision not to expel the country from the contest.

Many votes will go to Israel just as they went to Ukraine

He did it in an interview in The vanguardwhere he has also assured that Israel is one of the big favorites due to its current situation, just as happened to Ukraine a couple of editions ago. Many votes will go to Israel just as they went to Ukraine because of the war: international solidarity. No matter how good Israel’s song is, it will win Eurovision. Azzar assures that they have neither a song nor a singer, although the polls already show them as winners.

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  • The contest from which Spain’s representative in the Eurovision Song Contest will emerge already has presenters, a jury and artists. We review all the information.

  • Mosque destroyed in an Israeli airstrike in Khan Younis, a city located in the southwestern part of the Gaza Strip.

    Shaul Greenglick died at the age of 26 in Gaza after competing in a talent show that was going to give him a ticket to the Eurovision Song Contest.

Even so, the presenter has not offered clues as to who are the singers who will represent his country. Anonymous. I like some a lot, but I shouldn’t decide, I should be neutral. The Israeli presenter has a close link with Spain thanks to the architect Albert Escol, married in 2016 in a wedding officiated by Jaume Collboni. They both met at a Madonna concert in Barcelona.

Tarun Kumar

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