The automotive tradition who has seen dominate for decades and possess motori to benzina sows destined for a inevitable transformation, replaced by electric cars that promise a silent future and live close to the environment. However, the V8 architecture continues to represent an undeniable historical and fascinating errand, as demonstrated by the current Jaguar F-type range.

The coupe a due posti britannica It is a modern product that maintains the retaggio of the famous march, I note in tuto il mondo per le sue auto sportive. Available in versions of 2.0 liters, 2.30 and in the most famous 5.0 liter V8, the latter with a power that varies from 450 to 575 Cv, Jaguar F-type offers performance of hoods for sportive driving passion.

Cabrio or coupe?

the version Coupe It is a sporty one with two sizes with a smooth cap that offers greater precision of guidance and agility, rispectto all the variant cabrio dotata di cap in fabric. On the contrary, the version convertible With its cape in abbattibile fabric, it offers a great sensation of freedom to the guide and the passegger, without a panoramic view of the sky. The presence of a large trunk in the Coupé version renders this vettura maggiormente practical rispectto the Cabrio version, where the space comes noticeably less.

Thing I convinced

The New generation of Jaguar F-type is in degree of stupidity at first sight thanks to its attractive aspect that unisce Dettagli muscolosi e aggressivi ad altri più delicati e morbidi. The vettura represents a compromisso vincente tras esibizione di potenza e stile raffinato. The anterior zone of the vettura is completely revisited rispectto alla precedent generation, with gruppi ottici dalla sagoma più sottile e allungata, quasi tagliente. The side view of the veneer is in evidence of the long lungs of the cofano, which contrasts with the coda, più corta e compatta. However, the rear area is little updated with i fari che guadagnano only qualche linea più squadrata.

Jaguar F-Type V8 P450 - Prova Jaguar F-Type V8 P450 - Prova Jaguar F-Type V8 P450 - Prova

The design of the winding tettuccio and spiovente It is typical of the coupé, while the cabin does not subisce stravolgimenti rispectto alla precedent generation of the Jaguar F-type. The layout of theroom is ergonomic and rational, but unsophisticated and refined, the potrebbe deludere chi near the experience of sedersi in a luxurious English environment. The scelta of the marchio britannico is the state that I concentrate onguided experience, offering to the contempo a technological configuration in step with i tempi. For this reason, it has introduced a new digital crustacean on its one 12.3″ screen, with customizable graphics. Inoltre, the onboard intrattenimento system is updated and includes compatibility with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto series.

Although the dimensions match the silhouette of the coupé, the Jaguar is endowed with a vain bagagli wide (300 liters) and well organized, able to comfortably accommodate a paio di borse da viaggio. A feature that is extremely useful for those who want to use the F-type itself even when traveling with a minimum of baggage, without giving up the pleasure of the sportive guide and the beauty of English design.

Non-convincing thing

The technology aboard the Jaguar F-type is up to date with the times, but it has some limits, so it is in terms of visibility. It schermo touch responds in a precise way to the command, ma la sua fluidity e velocità di reazione potrebbero essere migliorate. Not this, the graphical interface is very lively and the content offer is dissatisfying. Tuttavia, in case of daily soleggiate, the looks riflessa sullo schermo può creare delle annoying zone d’ombra, rendering difficult the lettura di alcune informazioni.

Jaguar F-Type V8 P450 - Prova

For how much it safeguards the materials and the quality of the furnishings, Jaguar does not delude the aspect, offering an elegant and comfortable environment. Sottotono, tuttavia, le parasole alette Sono piuttosto ridotte e non coprono un suficiente porzione del parabrezza, resulting in little effectiveness in protecting the view from the sun.

eat if guided

Jaguar F-Type 5.0 V8 is capable of offering a ‘experience of a guide involving and fun. The dynamics of the guide is certainly one of the points of strength of this model, thanks to a well-balanced asset and a precise precision. Also the suspensions are state calibrated with attention to guarantee the giusto mix between performance and comfort. But the true protagonist is without dubbio il motore, a V8 of 450 CV that gives a powerful and equally involving sound without giving its accent. L’erogazione è fluida e corposa, while l’insonorizzazione dell’abitacolo è di buon livello.

Jaguar F-Type V8 P450 - Prova

Despite its power, this engine is not particularly aggressive and the Jaguar F-Type is more oriented to a tourist guide che a guide gives clue. The integral transmission system guarantees optimal stability in any situation, while the automatic change to otto rapporti is precise and fast nella guide accompagnata. It is not un’auto da tempo sul giro, ma la sua proposta è quella de un vettura confortable, versatile e dinamica, en grado di soddisfare le esigenze de un vast clientele. I consume sono il vero Tallone d’Achille di questura vettura e premendo sul pedale del gas non è difficile raggiungere i 3 o 4 km/l, as abbiamo osservato noi stessi in this precedent prova sul Passo di Gavia.

Is it convenient?

Jaguar F-Type V8 is a car that if distinguished by her beauty, its features and its sound unmistakable. The quality of the materials used is high and the living quarters are not particularly spacious, they are also comfortable during long journeys. The guidance of the F-Type is excellent, thanks to all the balanced assets, to the precision of the sterzo and to the calibration of the suspensions, which are not fanned gran turismo with an’anima sportiva. Price? I will leave from almost 100 thousand euro for the variant in provaBut for the top of the range of 575 cavalli it is necessary to get out at 130 thousand euros. How will the next F-Type look like? Difficult to say, ma dubitiamo possa restare exclusively endothermic.


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