Jaime Lorente buries the hatchet with Shakira: Let him call me

Shakira’s songs full of darts against her ex-partner Gerard Piqu did not leave anyone indifferent, especially the 53rd session with Bizarrap where the Colombian did not shy away from pointing out the father of her children and her current partner, Clara Cha. A series of hits that took Barranquilla to the top, but alsoYou will receive countless criticisms on social networks from both anonymous users and other more well-known users.

This is the case of Jaime Lorente. The actor from Money Heist took a dim view of the songs that Shakira dedicated to her ex-boyfriend after a decade together. What pereza das, Shakiramy music is shit, but I don’t owe anything to the Treasury or my family is united and I haven’t destroyed my children’s lives by making a shameful song, were some of the messages that the interpreter published.

However, Jaime Lorente surprises at the Malaga Festival by burying the hatchet with the singer and showering her with praise. It’s an artisthe begins by saying in front of the Europa Press microphones.

The interpreter clarifies that he does not have a bad relationship with her since they do not even know each other. Have you seen how people take everything to heart? What’s up! Not at all. We don’t know each other, he continues explaining. Likewise, Jaime Lorente reveals that he will be willing to work with the Colombian in the future: I hope so. Of course yes, let him call me.

In love with his family

During his time on the red carpet at the Malaga Festival, Jaime Lorente also wanted to dedicate some nice words to his partner Marta Goenaga and his children: The only thing that matters to me is my wife, my children, my family and the people I care about. surrounds me (…) In the end, whoever hides behind a screen lives a reality that is only virtual. Before leaving the event, the actor pointed out that his girlfriend is the woman of my life.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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