Javier Milei and the paradoxes of centrality

It was inevitable that the result of the Simultaneous and Compulsory Open Primary (PASO) would place Javier Miley in a central place of Argentine politics. It is not, in any way, that its volume of votes is per se irresistible in the face of the first round on October 22, nor that its main contenders, Patricia Bullrich y Sergio Massathey cannot discount an advantage that, between the first and the third, Shore barely half a million votes. What puts it in a privileged place is The surprisehaving won more than 30% who did not foresee any survey and that this is a really powerful foundation for what comes, from which imposes agenda.

If, for example, in the run-up to the closing of the lists on June 24, everything seemed to revolve around Cristina Fernandez de Kirchnerthat place is occupied today, at least with regard to the attention of the media and public opinion, the minarchist candidate. Does that help you or hurt you?

visibility is double-edged weapon which exposes both a profile carved by communication specialists and a file of outlandish statements. The latter include the defense of a free market for organs and children and the Opposition to compulsory basic educationwhich makes him the strangest “liberal” ever known, truly removed from Domingo Sarmiento and Julio Roca. Now, if with such a CV he got to where he did, it can be inferred that this no longer scares the majority.

Another chance, another chance!

The corporate Red Circle does not have Milei among its favorites: it worries him the radicality of his proposals, the disproportion between the reforms promoted and its meager institutional forces, its language of hatred and the more than precarious governance conditions that provides However, the men and women of big business feel compelled to give it another chance.

“In April, the economist exposed his dollarization program at the exclusive Llao Llao Forum, which did not go down well with the establishment. During the following months, the absence of the deputy was notorious at various business events. With the result of the PASO, the concern that had been relegated by the expectation of the triumph of one of the center candidates, reappeared on the agenda and next week the candidate for the Casa Rosada will be the center of attention. “We need to listen,” the sources agreed. companies consulted by Letter P“, wrote Eugenia Muzio.


Listening implies understanding, for example his dollarization plan, harshly condemned by US economists what they’re not exactly “fucking lefties” and that adds to its application difficulties many questions about its consequences. As an iron corset, this scheme would be ruin insurance in the event of a repeat, for example, of a pandemic or a drought like the one this year, which collapsed exports and the income of greenbacks by 25%. An external shock of this magnitude would force –for lack of a currency to print or even devalue in an emergency– to a series of nominal spending cuts who remember the 13% of 2001 that still haunts Bullrich’s nights.

Listening must have a counterpart: listening to the other. Thus, the cream of the business community – from the industrial union to the Argentine Rural Society– made common cause with the CGT and the UOCRA to defend the “undeniable role of the State” in public works, item that the man from La Libertad Avanza (LLA) intends to eliminate from the budget. Will he hear those voices?

With one foot in Congress

With what you have today, which is little and nothing, affects in the way in which the opposition intends to reverse the latest reform of the rental law, which it would revert to its previous format of two-year contracts with unregulated adjustments.

Meanwhile, the massista deputy Marcela Passo presented a project to “guarantee the permanence, stability and adequate financing of the National Council of Science and Technology of the Argentine Republic (Conicet)”. This is another debate forced by the man with the chainsaw, but the country has entered a time when even the obvious must be guaranteed by law.

other actors

In a saga that remembers the skirmishes growing up of the great Brazilian press with Jair Bolsonarowho went from creating to reviling, the National Academy of Journalism repudiation the “slanderous terms” that the minarchist uses to insult companies and professionals alike, which in the last few hours included C5N and, much more serious, of course, to The Nation +.

“In most cases, Milei alluded to journalism in slanderous terms, without identifying anyone, which makes his grievances more unfair (…). In other cases, his followers chanted insulting refrains against journalists with names in front of the candidate. and surnames and with demonstrably false accusations”, She complained. She hardly moves him.

until the People’s Republic of China came out to answer his proposal to break relations… as was the case with the Brazilian. Since Milei does not do “business with communists” and intends to break relations – a stupidity that does not even occur to the United States -, none other than the spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of Beijing, Wang WenbinHe said that if he “visits China, he is likely to come to very different conclusions on the issue of the freedom and security of the Chinese people.”

Broken Headed Strategists

As counted Ingrid Beck in Letter Pthe paleolibertarian’s vote is basically transversal, which allows him to play well as a visitor in Bullrich’s field, in Massa’s and, fundamentally, in that of the sectors not framed and even habitually refractory to politics. Where to enter it, then? How to grind it or who to talk to and warn?

Of what there is no doubt is that one of its privileged niches is that of the human rights violators of the last dictatorship. On a hair-raising note, Ailin Bullentini account in this portal that, when the result of the PASO was known, the last Sunday, “There were hugs, cries for freedom and threats against Kirchnerism” in Penal Unit number 34, which works in the Campo de Mayo military garrison.

Meanwhile, Unión por la Patria (UP) bets on the so-called “campaign of fear”; It is not that there are no reasons to feel it, but it is doubtful that it is effective.

“We are facing a very clear dilemma: it is Peronism or national dissolution. We must go out with all our might to support Sergio Massa. We are very clear that we are not in paradise, we have known it for a long time, but we are very close to hell That has to make us all react”, said Andres Larroque in radio ten.

Fear always lacks something: hope.

Meanwhile, the Evita Movement went out to the military to win back the vote which, you know, partly migrated to the economist.

Fear is a tool that must be handled with care. The reference that Massa made on Wednesday night about the danger that Milei will impose, if he comes to power, a kind of “plan Bonex” article was made in Letter P, The nation, Clarion, Page|12, Financial sphere, ElDiarioAr, The Economist …Okay, the message came through. Good? No, because it casts doubt that a prominent presidential candidate may be concocting the idea of ​​confiscating deposits could unleash a bank run capable of exploding in the hands of the current Minister of Economy. There are ghosts that it is better not to evoke, more so at a time when, due to exchange rate uncertainty, an incipient disarmament of fixed terms in pesos begins to take place. Talking about “Bonex” is a lot of danger for so little gain.

Anyway, the bulk of the agenda now seems to revolve around Milei, who enjoys herself on that stage. After all, have the controversies around her ideas helped or hurt you?

“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot people without losing voters.” bragged Donald Trump in its moment of glory, back in 2016.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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