Jazz, a musical genre with a rich identity

MIAMI. – The International Day of Jazz It is celebrated on April 30. For 2024, UNESCO reported that Tangier (Morocco) was selected as the world headquarters of jazz. Activities for this anniversary will be carried out in more than 190 countries.

Tangier will be the first city on the African continent to host and lead International Jazz Day, the largest and most significant celebration of jazz in the world, said the director general of the UNESCOAudrey Azoulay.

jazz is a genre musical that originates in the populations near the Mississippi delta (USA). In this sense, it comes from the union of black, Euro-African and European elements.

The United Nations records that “Tonger is a melting pot of cultural expressions, situated at the crossroads of Europe and Africa. It has a long and rich history of jazz and is known for its jazz heritage.”

Hence, famous jazz artists have performed in Tangier, including singer Josephine Baker, saxophonists Ornette Coleman and Archie Shepp, flutist Herbie Mann and maestro Randy Weston.

Several meanings are associated with the word jazz: According to some authors, it refers to the jargon used by athletes from the west coast of the United States. According to others, it has its origin in West Africa and is related to the sexual act, in other cases the word jazz is linked to the perfume used by prostitutes.

Jazz in the streets

According to the Miguel de Cervantes Virtual Library, “the musical identity of the jazz It is complex and, for this reason, it cannot be easily delimited. “While it is true that it is a product of African American culture, it has also been open to other musical influences and traditions.”

Regarding International Jazz Day, the UNESCO calls on schools, universities and NGOs around the world to celebrate. In this way, various activities are organized in performing arts centers, squares, parks, libraries, museums, restaurants, clubs and festivals.


FUENTE: United Nations/ UNESCO/ Miguel de Cervantes Virtual Library/ Portal Da Internacional

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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