Joana Sanz clarifies why she is not divorcing Dani Alves

After the news of Dani Alves’ attack on a young woman broke in the private bathroom of the Sutton nightclub in Barcelona on the night of December 30, 2022, All the movements of the woman who was and still is his second wife, the Tenerife model Joana Sanz, began to be scrutinized with a magnifying glass..

A couple who initially chose to support the playerdespite his entry into provisional prison, but then he wanted to disassociate himself from it both through a farewell letter on social media, from which she also deleted all traces, and through the divorce request. To finally state that she was not going to leave him alone in his most difficult moment.

Some final words that have been fulfilled, since, after the footballer’s release on parole from the Brians 2 prison until the appeals of the parties are resolved and there is a final conviction, The couple has resumed their relationship and you even have plans to move to the Canary Islands together to lead a more discreet life.

However, many of her followers have made this reconciliation or second chance with the Brazilian man, convicted of sexual assault, ugly, something that she herself wanted to clarify during a round of questions on Instagram, where she gave her opinion on the formalities in the love stories. I do not believe in marriage. I invite you all to get married, celebrate the party, because it is a wonderful memory to have, very fun and even more so if you share it with your loved ones, but, for the rest, it is nothing more than a signed piece of paper.he said in his Instagram stories.

Getting divorced is difficult

Likewise, Joana Sanz has also told why she is still married to the Brazilian soccer player: It is not so easy, when that marriage is no longer going anywhere, to get a divorce. I thought it was more of the same, a signed paper and that’s it. But not my loves, It’s super hard to get divorced, so don’t get marriedpa qu?.

And she has clarified what her current relationship status is: I am in love. I have always been in love, whether it is with a partner, with friends, No matter how much pain he has, he is always in loveWithout love, what is life? It’s nice to have love inside, that feeling.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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