Joe Jonas and Stormi Bree fuel romance rumors

MIAMI.- The singer Joe Jonas and the model Stormi Bree seem to have more than a friendship. A few days ago the two were seen together aboard a private jet in Los Cabos, Mexico.

However, alarms about a possible romance have intensified after images were leaked in which the member of the Jonas Brothers and the former Miss Teen of the United States share a few days of skiing in Colorado. This is what the portal reported TMZ.

Although there are no gestures in the photographs that reveal an affair, both look happy, laughing together and enjoying the snow.

Everything indicates that Jonas has definitively overcome his days of love with the British actress Sophie Turnerwith whom he was married for four years and shares two daughters. Likewise, the singer seems to want to start the new year away from the drama of his divorce and giving his heart a new opportunity.

For his part, Turner is not far behind.

The Game Of Thrones actress also has a new love: the British aristocrat Peregrine Pearson, with whom she has been dating for a few weeks, TMZ reports.

Custody of his daughters

Currently, Joe and Sophie’s daughters are with their mother in the United Kingdom spending the holidays, and are preparing to return to New York this week to spend time with their father, as indicated in the agreement they both reached during the separation.

The custody of their daughters Willa, three years old, and Delphine, one, is that the minors will spend two weeks with each of the parents. This will allow them to spend time with the girls equally in both the United States and the United Kingdom.

“In the court documents, the days that the girls will spend with each of their parents are established from now until the beginning of next year, establishing that they will be handed over to the other in a place of convenience for both. In this way, from the 8th “On October 21, the girls will be with their mother, when they return to New York to be placed in the hands of their father until November 2, with whom they will remain until November 22, and so on,” the magazine reported. HOLA!.

In this sense, the legal representatives agreed on the festivities they will spend with each parent. In this case, Thanksgiving will be in the United States with the Jonas family; while they will receive Christmas with Sophie in the United Kingdom.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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