Juan Ortega's explanations to his surroundings after standing up to his girlfriend at the altar

It’s been a week since the bullfighter, Juan Ortega, left his girlfriend at the altar just a few hours before getting married. The right-hander, who had even celebrated the pre-wedding the day before in an event in which all the parties involved seemed to happily assume the future after the wedding.alleged doubts about his feelings before calling off the wedding.

As the days have passed, it has become known that Ortega’s relationship with the family of his then fiancée, Carmen Otte Alba, was not good at all. Furthermore, Pilar Vidal put on the table the existence of an alleged call to his trusted priest, who supposedly would have been the person who would have recommended him not to take the step. However, the priest himself denied this version in a brief intervention on the program Y Ahora Sonsoles.

While Juan Ortega remains silent, oblivious to the social commotion around him, those around him have given several testimonies collected by Vanitatis. Surprised, like the approximately 500 guests who were going to attend the feast, Those mentioned notice the naturalness with which Ortega said goodbye to them at the pre-wedding.

When we were with Juan the Friday before his wedding, he said goodbye to all of us saying: See you tomorrow. And he did it naturally. A person like him would be unable to say it if he had had something else on his mind, he exposes close people with whom the bullfighter has already contacted by telephone. His current state of mind points towards security for the step not taken. He is serious, sad but calm, he looks confident.

The next step

Although Ortega apparently regrets how the events have turned out, those around him comment that things between the couple were not going well. Be that as it may, Ortega does not seem willing to explain it in the first person and wants the media explosion of his non-wedding to end sooner rather than later. I haven’t done it well, but this hasn’t been going well for a while. I am neither going to give a statement nor am I going to give explanations. I won’t do anything, this will pass, tomorrow there will be another new news and they will be forgotten, ditch.

According to Semana, the bride’s family flatly refused to pay the expenses derived from the ceremony. In this sense, The bullfighter’s last move was to return the gifts to the guests and pay for everything from the honeymoon trip to the catering that everyone present at the wedding was going to enjoy.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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