Judge dismisses lawsuit against Bovo who demands an apology from the councilor

MIAMI.- A judge of the eleventh judicial circuit of Miami-Dade dismissed the lawsuit filed by Hialeah Councilman Bryan Calvo against Mayor Esteban Bovo, who, after hearing the sentence, demanded an apology.

Judge Remberto Díaz dismissed the lawsuit when he found no evidence of violation of the City Code against Councilman Calvo.

“Hialeah has a strong mayor form of government, meaning the mayor serves as the political boss, administers the government, and enforces laws passed by the City Council.”

There is no case

The judge also refuted that the councilman’s rights had been violated by preventing him from carrying out an individual investigation into 911. The lawyer said that the Council formally refused to initiate or continue an investigation into 911, as Bryan requested. And he clarified that the power to conduct this investigation rests with the City Council, as a legislative body, and not with individuals, as Bryan intended.

He also maintained that “both the City Council and the councilors are prohibited from interfering with the administration, they cannot demand dealings with city officials and employees, they are subject to the direction and supervision of the mayor. All deals should be made solely through the mayor.”

“The city statute also does not authorize any councilor to unilaterally carry out inquiries or investigations that are not authorized by the city council.”

Regarding the alleged violation alleged by Bryan in his lawsuit when he understood that he was prevented from adding points individually to the agenda of Council meetings, the document states that new points on the agendas can only be included in meetings with the affirmative vote of al least four councilors.

The judge also found contradictions in the lawsuit, as Bryan himself admitted that he was able to perform his duties as a councilman, but was unsuccessful in finding legislative support for his initiatives.

Bryan’s lawsuit against Bovo was filed in October 2023.

Mayor’s reaction

Mayor Bovo, after learning the result of the sentence, demanded the councilor’s apology.

Bovo stated in a press release that Calvo’s lawsuit was a political theater that sought publicity in the media and “thanks to the coordination of left-wing journalists, it was possible to promote a false and meritless accusation about the Emergency Center of the 911 of our city.”

“Actions that caused unnecessary panic among our residents,” said the mayor.

“Unfortunately, Calvo’s ill-conceived plot to gain media attention cost the City of Hialeah taxpayers thousands of dollars. Eventually, Calvo will have to answer for his unjustified actions.”

Councilor Bryan Calvo Hialeah 0192.JPG

Hialeah Councilman Bryan Calvo.


Last November, the Hialeah City Council condemned the lawsuit against the mayor and said that Calvo’s actions were not in the best interest of the city or served a public purpose.

“The city does not authorize Calvo to incur legal expenses in prosecuting Bovo, so he will not have the right to seek reimbursement for legal fees or expenses,” the Council said.

(email protected)


Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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