Claudia Effenberg loses her new best friend because: the viewers throw Verena Kerth as the first candidate from the jungle camp. A heated argument breaks out between Tessa Bergmeier and Cecilia Asoro. Who wants to be called “sister” and “baby” with impunity?

Oops! Even the woman who had previously bombarded the camp with her flow of words was silent for a split second: when Sonja Zietlow and Jan Köppen announced on day eight that they were the first to broadcast “I’m a star – get me out of here !” (RTL) Verena Kerth actually seems to have lost her voice for a moment: Then she says something else. It’s a short “Whoa!” Half a minute later, everything is back to normal at the home of the “P1” celebrities. The 41-year-old laughs broadly, hugs everyone who is standing around, kisses her and pretends that she doesn’t mind the audience’s decision at all. Now she finally has time to continue planning the long-awaited wedding with Marc Terenzi.

The other stars, however, seem caught off guard. Until the end, the moderator duo acted as if they were only nominating the star for the next jungle test. Instead: throw out, pronto! Only lightning pear Gigi Birofio had smelled the roast and asked: “Huh, I thought someone would be kicked out today? Why is there an exam now?” Shall anyone say the 23-year-old has no plans to do anything but suck on Cecilia Asoro’s pigtails absentmindedly?

Claudia Effenberg left to her own devices

Interestingly enough, after the decision, the tears trickled down from the woman who had wrinkled her forehead when she moved in when she met her roommate: Claudia Effenberg. Previously, the player’s wife had not been on good terms with the other (ex) player’s wife, one could read, but in the jungle the two “blond girls” (O-Ton Gigi) quickly grew into a constantly chattering and gossiping unit. As if Waldorf and Statler from the “Muppets Show” had been ordered from Wish, Twitter users blasphemed. Claudia’s tears, however, could in part have been directed at herself. The 57-year-old has not made many friends, apart from Verena. That could still be difficult.

Ms. Effenberg was surprisingly successful in combination with Cosimo Citiolo and Gigi in the car test “The Murwillumbah Grand Prix”. You know: one drives, one looks and one speaks, programmed chaos. Gigi waves his hand, Cosimo yells (“Turn right! Left! I mean right!”), but Claudia stoically steers the car through the course, ignores the fish slug with which she is tipped over and is happy at the end with the two overexcited Italo kids seven stars. A premiere, by the way: Up to now nobody has been able to successfully complete this test, which is considered a classic. But Gigi also celebrates something else: “Claudia just didn’t say a word the whole time – really cool! I mean, the woman invented talking.”

Mega Zoff between Tessa and Cecilia

On the other hand, there are communication problems of a massive nature between Tessa Bergmeier and Cecilia. After a failed treasure hunt, the latter is furious: at herself but also at her comrade-in-arms, who not only dismisses the defeat directly, but also constantly calls her “sister” and “baby”. Cecilia feels triggered: “Sometimes you talk to me like I’m a baby!” Complains the reality star. Tessa please stop doing that in the future. At first it looks as if the matter is settled. Tessa thanks her for the feedback and promises to do it differently “next time”.

But then the situation suddenly escalates: Tessa accuses Cecilia of adopting an “aggressive tone”. Cecilia, in turn, doesn’t let that sit on her and retaliates: “Tell me, what are you talking about? You’re really two-faced: sometimes you talk so hard, even though nobody did anything to you.” Okay, maybe not the most sensitive thing to accuse Tessa, who suffers from bipolar disorder, of having two faces. Tessa finally yells at Cecilia: “Who are you to criticize me? Please take your distance, talk to yourself. You have zero respect. It’s enough, Cecilia. Go away and leave me alone!”

Cecila: “I have my emotions under control”

Anyone who knows Cecilia from other TV formats is surprised at how calm the 26-year-old remains in this situation. Her best friend Gigi also sees it this way: “She’s normally completely different. I thought I had to get up right away because I had to be afraid for Tessa’s life.” Cecilia also notes that she has remained fairly relaxed for her standards. “I have my emotions under control here,” she says, amazed. “It really scares me, even though it’s good.” Gigi nods understandingly. Really crazy what the jungle can do to you.

Tessa hinted the morning after that there was something “to be clarified”. By day nine, we’ll know if the argument with Cecilia will end or start a new round. What is clear, however, is that someone will have to leave the camp again on Saturday.

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