Hamburg – This fire has an aftermath – and could lead to a lot of trouble!

In October there was a fire in actor Kalle Haverland’s high-rise building (65, including GZSZ and “Werner – Eiskalt!”).

While cleaning up, a neighbor discovered a rifle in the Haverland attic – a carbine from World War II. He filed a complaint, the public prosecutor’s office investigated violations of the weapons law and issued a penalty order of 750 euros.

Haverland to BILD: “I bought the rifle from an estate in 1984. It’s a decoration rifle and used to hang in the office at my house in Glinde. According to the public prosecutor’s office, the firing pin is still in order and the rifle is ready to fire. But the barrel is welded shut. That’s why I don’t agree with the penalty order, don’t pay.”

That’s why the case is now before the Kadi: On January 31, the Barmbek district court will hear the TV star.

That’s how the gun used to hang on the wall at Haverland

Photo: private


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