Karina, admitted urgently - Tikitakas

Concern about Karina’s health. The popular artist is admitted to a hospital in the Community of Madrid due to a heart problem of which no further details are known. The news has come to light after being dropped from the Diversa awards where it had been previously confirmed. At the time of her award presentation, the organizers of the event explained the reason for the singer’s absence.

He was unable to attend the ceremony at the last minute. having felt unwell and finally having to be admitted in a hospital, stated Juan Martín Boll and Nano García Gil. Some words that left the rest of the artists present at the gala completely speechless, such as maestro Joao or Blas Cant, among others.

The lack of information about it is causing great uncertainty among Karina’s most faithful followers since neither his family nor his close friends offer details of what is happening to him. Her circle wants to prevent the extent of the illness from being known, as well as the center where she is hospitalized to ensure her peace of mind.

His last public appearance

Karina’s last public appearance dates back to last February on the occasion of the premiere of her show Yo soy Karina at the Bellas Artes theater in Madrid. A long-awaited return to the stage in which the singer reviewed the lights and shadows of her history in the artistic world.

As for television, Karina participated in the eighth edition of Big Brother VIP where she asked the organization abandon the contest for health reasons. Many social media users questioned this decision since, if he extended his stay in Guadalix de la Serra, he would overlap with the premiere of his work.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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