Lineker and the seven hours of hell after trying a stimulant at Euro 2020

On Friday, June 11, 2021, the blast of a whistle began the Euro 2020which had been postponed for an entire summer as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Turkey and Italy fought in a duel that had the unsought responsibility that falls on those whose turn it is to open a tournament of these characteristics. Its broadcast went around the Old Continent and the entire world; one of those in charge of giving voice to this first meeting was Gary Lineker. The former footballer, who made his career in teams of the stature of Ftbol Club Barcelona and Tottenham Hotspur, carried out the BBC broadcast. But it was significantly more difficult than the viewer could imagine at the time.

The fault was snusa stimulant that contains nicotine and whose consumption has increased noticeably in the world of professional football. These are smokeless tobacco: small bags that are placed between the upper lip and gums and serve as a less harmful alternative to cigarettes. Despite being very typical in Sweden and other northern European countries, its purchase in the United Kingdom is illegal. Lineker, after a few drinks, chose a weak option and let himself go. I tried snus. And they happened seven hours of absolute hell.

I crawled to the bathroom like a snake

This is what he revealed in the podcast Rest is Footballwhere he has confessed to Micah Richards the investigations and the details of that almost fateful episode. First he began to feel really dizzythen he arrived at his room and, then, the horror unleashed. I sit on the bed and am completely naked. I took this thing out of my mouth and threw it in the trash thinking what the hell is this?the Englishman has confessed.

The sensations were unpleasant and strange in a body not accustomed to that type of turbulence. I start to sweat, but I’m freezing. I’m sweating and sweating and there’s a puddle on the floor. I can’t move and I can’t stop thinking what the hell they’ve done to me.Lineker continues, incredulous at the existence of cold sweats that awakened that ethereal sensation of fever. I start to feel very nauseous, but I can’t get up because I feel very dizzy.he says, confused, remembering the moment when the walls of his room almost ate him.

He acted before they fell on him. Finally I lay down on the floor and crawled to the bathroom like a snake, just slithering, that was the only way to get there., be honest. That was terrible; and more than that, horrible. I hate like you can’t imaginethe British comes to assert.

Finally the thing came to an end and I got into my bed. I thought about checking the time. It was 7 in the morning; I had had seven hours of absolute torture, he says, aware that he was going to fall asleep at the time many others in that same hotel would wake up. The next day Lineker grabbed a microphone, Italy beat Turkey 0-3 and, a month later, Roberto Mancini’s men ended up taking the trophy to the Mediterranean peninsula.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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