escucha sesion directo aitana cantando luna emotiva balada 63.jpg


Aitanain collaboration with Amazon Music, is going to release three live sessions of their songs from Alpha. He already did it with Darar after the release of the puck, and now it’s his turn to Moon which will be next?

Aitana continues to enjoy the triumph of Alphahis third studio album with which he is on tour and which already has a gold record in Spain, and has positioned itself as the best selling album of 2023 in its departure week.

A few hours before the release of this new project, the Catalan went to The Anthill to promote their work, and I announced that we would have three live sessions from the hand of Amazon Music on its YouTube channel.

The first song that the artist shared was Dararwhich already has one million views. Two weeks later the live session of Moonone of the three ballads of Alpha and that has been very well received among his followers.

It is a love song, in which she apparently tells her story with Sebastin Yatra, where only her presence, a microphone and purple lights emulating a full moon in the background were enough to leave all the feelings on the surface.

With a sweet and sincere voice, the singer has interpreted this song visibly excitedand he let out a few smiles during the performance, where he kept a sparkle in his eyes at all times.

What will be the third song of Alpha What should the artist choose to do these live sessions?

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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