The sensation of heat in Lima and the central coast has decreased in the last hours, remarks the meteorologist Matt Nieto

This is what the NASA precipitation map looks like from March 31 to today, Monday, April 17. You can see how rains continue in northern Peru and Ecuador

This is what the NASA rainfall map looks like, where you can see the rainfall situation in Peru. POT

Abraham Levy points out that greater stability can be seen in the north of the country, which would be a good sign

Storms occur in Huánuco, Ucayali and Loreto

Hot Lima and Piura, Tumbes and the jungle with torrential rains: Senamhi’s forecast for the next few days

Guillermo Baigorria, president of the National Meteorology and Hygrology Service, said that until April 25, the north coast and the jungle will endure peak rainfall that will possibly increase river flows and activate streams.

High temperatures in Lima will continue until the end of April | channel N

Despite the fact that Peru is in the middle of the autumnin Lime The high temperatures of recent months, especially at night, and the atypical torrential rains in the north of the country have been a point of consultation for experts who, after Cyclone Yaku, have seen how the climate in the Peruvian territory has been changing with the advance of the days due to the heating of the ocean.

Forecast of Senamhi rains of moderate to strong intensity, both on the north coast and in the northern highlands of the country

High temperatures will continue until the end of April

Guillermo Baigorria, president of Senamhi, said that the high temperatures in Lima will be felt until the end of April. Likewise, he confirmed that until April 25 there will be several peaks of torrential rains on the north coast and in the Peruvian jungle.

Red alert for increased flow of the La Chira River

The Piura region is on permanent alert due to heavy rains. In the last few hours, the Chira and Piura rivers once again reached the red hydrological threshold, registering an increase in their flow due to heavy rainfall, and the Civil Defense authorities warned of the possibility that new overflows occur.

In the case of the Chira river, the National Meteorology and Hydrology Service (Senamhi) indicated that the control station established on the Simón Rodríguez bridge last night registered a flow of 1,500 cubic meters per second.

“A greater increase is expected due to the intense rainfall that has been occurring in the Chira basin,” he warned.

He added that this is added to the discharge from the Poechos dam and maintained that the potential areas affected by possible overflows would be the populated centers of Miramar, Amotape, San Jorge, Rinconada, Paredones, San Felipe de Vichayal, Las Valencias, Tamarindo, Querecotillo, Vichayal, Salitral, S0jo, Tangarará and Marcavelica.

COER Piura statement on heavy rains

Mayor of Piura asks for help

The provincial mayor of Piura, Gabriel Madrid Oré, requested immediate support for the clearing of the Piura river, which is at risk of overflowing due to the heavy rains last weekend in the region’s highlands.

He indicated that according to the report ofl National Service of Meteorology and Hydrology of Peru (Senamhi) The river flow is 1,400 cubic meters per second and according to Piura hydrologists, if it reaches 1,800 mm/s, the risk of the river overflowing would be imminent. could overflow.

That is why he said it is necessary to immediately do clearing works otherwise the historic center of Piura would be flooded again as well as the area of ​​the southern neighborhood of the city and Bajo Piura with the damages that this represents.

The mayor also mentioned that Sullana is at risk because the Chira river has reached 4,000 mm/s and that the situation in Piura is worrisome considering that Tambogrande has already been flooded.

On the other hand, the burgomaster, after questioning the works of the previous municipal management of Piura to remodel the tracks of the city “they haven’t even lasted 6 months”, expressed that they have already presented a project to recover the Historic Center that amounts to 50 million soles.

Mayor of Piura asks for help before the increase in the flow of the Chira River
Mayor of Piura asks for help before the increase in the flow of the Chira River

Tambogrande suffers from rains

the district of Tambogrande, in Piura, faced last weekend one of the heaviest rainfall so far in the rainy season, affecting the 19 hamlets and 25 human settlements located in said jurisdiction. The Civil Defense of the area evacuated the families that suffered the flooding from their homes, being taken to the municipal theater to later locate them in the shelters conditioned for the victims. So far, the fall of 2 houses has been registered, the same ones that, thank God, there were no losses to regret.

Tambo Grande suffers from rains
Tambo Grande suffers from rains


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