Lizzo suggests a possible retirement from music or social networks

MIAMI.- And message posted by the singer Lizzo in the stories of Instagram set off the alarms of a possible and premature retirement from music or an abandonment of social networks, after she stated that she is tired of the critics and the attacks, so he sealed his feelings with: “I quit.”

On the social network, Lizzo began her writing by stating that her only desire has always been to leave a positive legacy with her music, but she encounters countless obstacles.

“I am exhausted from the constant criticism both in my personal life and online. My only desire is to create music, cheer hearts and leave this world a little better than I found it. However, I feel that the world rejects me. I am “constantly facing lies being told about me because of my influence and views…being the butt of jokes because of my appearance,” he wrote.

Later, the artist awarded with four Grammys and an Emmy added that the accusations come from people who do not know her and who only seek to disrespect her name.

“I did not start for this. I QUIT,” he concluded.

The statement, which she later published on her feed, has had several reactions from followers and figures in the entertainment industry, who have sent her messages of support, as well as showing that it may be a next single from the artist.

However, it is unknown if the artist has expressed her feelings with the intention of calling attention to the negative effects of being a public figure, with the intention of deleting her Instagram account or simply predicting a possible retirement from music.


What is certain is that Lizzo closed 2023 in the midst of controversy against her, as former dancers from her shows accused her of mistreatment and verbal abuse.

The artist, who is recognized for promoting acceptance and body positivewas accused of attacking her team and denigrating them because of their appearance.

Likewise, according to information obtained Six Pagean employee of the performer alleges that she and her manager, Amanda Nomura, verbally abuse and mistreat the team that works with the artist.

Asha Daniels, who worked in Lizzo’s wardrobe department during her 2023 tour, alleged that Nomura threatened the team to physically attack them if they did not find the artist’s medication. “He will kill a bitch” and “He will stab a bitch,” are the phrases she cites in the lawsuit.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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