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The paparazzi who wanted to photograph Jean-Jacques Goldman confided in his very modest lifestyle, even going so far as to wonder if he was really the famous singer.

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Jean-Jacques Goldman barely identifiable? The famous interpreter of When the music is good, Fly Meor I give you, continues to fascinate. He is indeed still very high in the annual ranking of the favorite personalities of French people. Sunday newspaper, although he has retired from the media scene for almost twenty years now. A new book signed by the historian Ivan Jablonka – who was openly criticized by the artist during a rare speech – published during the summer once again retraces the existence of the singer for more than 30 million records sold.

The very modest lifestyle of Jean-Jacques Goldman

An unrivaled success which does not prevent Jean-Jacques Goldman to live very modestly daily. Far from the rhinestones and sequins of the red carpets, the 71-year-old singer, long-time leader of Bastards for the benefit of Restos du coeur, shares his life between the town of Plan-de-Cuques, near Marseille, and London so that his young daughters can learn English. His decision to leave his mansion in the 6th arrondissement of Parisleft to friends of his, would have occurred after his second marriage to his partner Nathalie, at the beginning of the 2000s. Paparazzi, who followed the star from time to time, attest to his lifestyle in all simplicity in the columns of the Parisian Weekend:When you saw him, he looked so normal, almost dressed like a poor person, that you wondered if it was really him.“, even remarks one of them.

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Jean-Jacques Goldman supported by his friends!

If Jean-Jacques Goldman avoids public appearances, he lets his friends defend him in the media. After the publication of the biography, for example, Pascal Obispo spoke in Paris Match regretting :It’s done without him, what’s the point? It’s a bit of a cynical approach… Two books were written about me in which I didn’t participate. It’s nice, but it’s not my story“, he testified.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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