Symphonic concert celebrates women in their month

CARACAS.- For the third consecutive year, Caracas will celebrate the women con The 100 protagonistsan event my class that recognizes, values ​​and celebrates Venezuelan women and the positive impact they have generated in their work for the defense and promotion of Human Rights, gender equality and female empowerment in Venezuelan society.

“With this third edition, this event is consolidated in Venezuela, in the month of March around International Women’s Day, as part of this movement that raises the voice of the entire society to raise awareness and continue raising awareness about the problems of inequality among that women continue to face today and transform those challenges into opportunities to forge a better future,” the event organization said in a statement.

In addition to being the third edition, which will take place this March 2 at the Concha Acstica de Bello Monte starting at 7:00 pm, director Elisa Vegas will present – once again – an operatic, symphonic and electronic repertoire in company of his Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho Symphony Orchestra.

The 100 protagonists

“The musical repertoire of The 100 protagonists this year is wonderful, I am delighted and it is for all tastes. The first part is a lyrical gala where we will have the presence of Tania Kross, a mesoprano guest, thanks to the Netherlands; She is a spectacular mesoprano and will be accompanied by the Venezuelan bartono Gaspar Colón. (Together) we will perform works from the great universal repertoire,” she told DIARIO LAS AMRICAS Vegas, who explained that the concert It will also feature electronic sounds from the Netherlands.

“After awarding our 100 protagonists, as is tradition, we will do a repertoire of electronic music from the Netherlands, which includes music by Tiesto, Afrojack, Newton; that is, a very festive repertoire to celebrate, dance and please everyone. ages, tastes and styles,” he added.

The 100 protagonists It is an initiative developed by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Mayor of Baruta, the Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho Symphony and Impact Hub Caracas that, since 2021, add 100 more women to a history of recognition and appreciation for the changes achieved in each of their initiatives, causes or roles.

In each edition, the honorees are responsible for nominating those who will be celebrated within the framework of International Women’s Day for their work and promotion of the rights of women and girls in Venezuela, in all the areas where they are developed.

The role of women in music

Regarding this objective, Elisa Vegas was asked what her perspective is about the role that women have played in the music industry.

“The music industry is mostly male when you see the proportion of famous artists. The male ones really far outnumber the female ones. Not to mention the world of bands, where we will hardly find female bands. I think that for us women has been difficult within our industry not only to have a voice, because we have the voice, the sensitivity, but to be truly listened to and respected. It is a difficult job that requires, above all, a lot of strength because when one hears the stories of the great artists of the world that have triumphed, they all share that it has been a job of great perseverance and many doors that were closed, until finally one was opened to them. So I would love for us to have a little more respect from the start,” expressed the clarinetist and orchestra director, who has as references the teachers Marin Alsop, Isabel Palacios and Mara Guinand.

The 100 protagonists start at 7:00 pm in Caracas. Admission is free.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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