London police do not open investigation into Prince Andrew in Epstein case

LONDON.- The London police reported today – January 5 – that they have not opened the investigation demanded by an anti-monarchy group into the prince andrewcited in a US court document, after appearing on a list of people linked to the financier accused of sexual crimes Jeffrey Epstein.

“We are aware of the disclosure of court documents relating to Jeffrey Epstein. If new and relevant information comes to our attention, we will evaluate it, but at this time no investigation has been launched,” Scotland Yard said in a statement sent to the AFP.

The 63-year-old prince appeared on a list, released by a New York judge, of names, acquaintances, relatives, victims or alleged accomplices of Jeffrey Epstein, who committed suicide in prison in 2019.

After learning of her alleged relationship with Epstein, some British newspapers and, in particular, tabloids, asked the royal family to cut all ties with him.

Yesterday, January 4, the anti-monarchy group Republic submitted a report to the police about the brother of King Charles III, urging them to investigate the Duke of York, who fell from grace following allegations of sexual abuse.

“There is a very clear document that shows that, while he was in London, a person was forced to have sexual relations with Andrés when he was a minor,” Republic explained.

“If there are credible allegations, they should be examined,” Labor opposition leader Keir Starmer also said in an interview with LBC radio.

The king’s brother, who always denied the facts, reached an amicable agreement in February 2022 with Virginia Giuffre, 40, who accused him of having sexually assaulted her in 2001, when she was 17 and was part of the drug trafficking network. minors directed by Jeffrey Epstein.

Retired from public life after an interview with the BBC in which he showed no empathy for Epstein’s victims, Prince Andrew has been deprived of any official role and cannot use his Royal Highness title.

Despite everything, the prince appears with the royal family at events considered private, as happened recently with the Christmas mass.

In October 2021, London police announced that they would take no action after reviewing allegations against the prince, raised in the context of the US civil trial.

Source: AFP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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