Lula da Silva with the president of the Federal Supreme Court, Rosa Weber, in Planalto (Reuters)

The President of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and the heads of the Legislative and Judicial powerscalled this Monday to maintain “serenity” and “defend democracy” in peace, after the coup attempt by thousands of Bolsonaro radicals who stormed the headquarters of these institutions in Brasilia.

The Powers of the Republic, defenders of democracy and the 1988 Constitution, reject the terrorist, vandalism, criminal and coup acts that took place yesterday afternoon in Brasilia”, they stated.

“The country needs normality, respect and work” to achieve “progress and social justice,” said the joint note signed by Lula, the heads of Congress and the president of the Supreme Court, Rosa Weber.

“We call on society to maintain serenity, in defense of peace and democracy in our homeland”, says the note, which, in addition to Lula and Weber, also signed the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira, and the acting head of the Senate, Veneziano Vital do Rêgo.

The situation this Monday looks under controlafter the arrest of 300 protesters putschists on Sunday and other 1,200 this same Monday that they were refugees in the camp they had set up in front of the Army Headquarters since the October elections were held.

These radical right-wing groups are unaware of Lula’s victory at the polls, who took power on January 1, and have been demanding a military “intervention” ever since to return Bolsonaro to power.

One day after the attempted coup, the security forces comply with an order from the Supreme Court of Justice

The progressive president accused the now former president, who is currently in the United States with no plans to return to Brazil, of “stimulating” the assault on the three powers, which lasted about four and a half hours until the security forces They regained control of public buildings.

Bolsonaroa retired Army captain and nostalgic for the Brazilian dictatorship (1964-1985), rejected the accusations of the current head of state and mildly condemned the violent invasion and the serious destruction of his supporters in the Three Powers square in Brasilia.

(With information from AFP and EFE)

Keep reading:

How Bolsonaro’s rhetoric and silence fueled the assault on Brazil
The day after the devastation
After the attacks in Brasilia, US congressmen demanded the expulsion of Jair Bolsonaro


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