lupin netflix le resume de la saison 2 avant la sortie de la partie 3.jpg

The highly anticipated season 3 of Lupine finally arrives on Netflix! The continuation of the thrilling adventures of Assane Diop (Omar Sy), the impersonator of Arsène Lupin, arrives on the streaming platform on October 5, 2023. From 9:01 a.m., the seven new episodes will be put online. Before discovering what has happened to our favorite gentleman burglar since he had to flee and leave his ex-wife Claire and their son Raoul, a recap is in order. It would be better remember important events that happened in part 2 of Lupine before starting season 3, and that is why the writing of Tele-Leisure is here !

Lupine season 2: Assane Diop finally manages to take revenge on Hubert Pelligrini

You have understood, Hubert Pelligrini is Assane Diop’s number 1 enemy. And for good reason, he made Babakar, the father of the young burglar, the ideal scapegoat to accuse him of the theft of the necklace that belonged to Marie-Antoinette. The problem is that this damn Pelligrini has a long arm and he has allies within the police station! If the mafioso managed to make people believe that Assane Diop was responsible for Leonard’s murder, the Arsène Lupine fan had not said his last word. After revealing all of his father’s actions to Juliette Pelligrini, the two former friends trapped Hubert. Pelligrini’s scheme to divert funds from his daughter’s association to a private account abroad was revealed to everyone. Assane, for his part, obtains Pellegrini’s confession, which he records on his connected watch to transmit to the police. Okay, but is our hero out of the woods yet? Not really…

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Assane Diop still on the run at the end of season 2 of Lupine

If Assane Diop helped to lift the veil on the actions of Hubert Pelligrini, he is not cleared of all suspicion. With his numerous crimes and burglaries, he is still wanted by the authorities. He must therefore once again run away and, this time, go far from Claire and Raoul. He promises to always watch over them and protect them, even if they don’t see him… At the same time, Hubert Pelligrini could once again use his relationships and get out of trouble. At the end of part 2 of Lupine, a question also remains unanswered: where is the real necklace that belonged to Marie-Antoinette?

Who owns the real necklace once worn by Marie Antoinette?

During the finale, we can only see that Assane Diop loves to play with our nerves! And for good reason, we wonder if he knows, or not, that the jewel so coveted since the beginning of the series was in reality only a double. Clearly, the one seen in Benjamin’s locker, when he leaves the store after learning that Assane was a fugitive, could ultimately be the real one.. But with our friend, it’s better to stay on our guard and not take anything for granted.

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The little information in addition to Tele-Leisure

Series Lupine on Netflix is ​​loosely adapted from the novels Arsène Lupin by Maurice Leblanc. Since the broadcast of the show, readers’ interest in the author’s novels has been strongly revived. Indeed, just after the first part, the publisher Hachette declared that it had sold in 15 days the equivalent of a stock previously sold in a year ! Reissues have even been specially created to support this exponential demand. Lupine, with nearly 400 million hours viewed for its season 1, also allowed the city of Étretat to relaunch its tourist appeal. And for good reason, it is possible to visit a museum in the Norman town dedicated to the fictional hero imagined by the writer Maurice Leblanc. The museum is located at 15, rue Guy-de-Maupassant in Étretat, in the former home of Maurice Leblanc.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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