lupin cette enorme incoherence de la serie avec omar sy que vous n avez surement pas remarquee.jpg

A real blockbuster Netflixthe seven new episodes of Lupine have just arrived on October 5 on the platform, more than two years after the second part. Returning to Paris to make one last attempt before taking off, the most famous burglar in the world, Assane Diop (Omar Sy), will quickly be overtaken by events and unexpected returns to say the least. If the first two parts have accumulated more than 160 million views to date, this new, intense part, which returns to the fundamentals of the first season, has all the assets to continue the success of the franchise.

Lupine : Paris staged in the series of Netflix

A true trademark of the series, Lupine (an actor of which recently died) continues its tradition of crossing the most legendary places in the French capital. If in the first part, we notably witnessed a spectacular scene at the Louvre, in the second salvo, it was in particular at the Musée d’Orsay or the Théâtre du Châtelet that the breathtaking intrigues took place. For this unique season, George Kay, the creator, still puts Paris in the spotlight with a sublimated city, but not a postcard (likeEmily in Paris, recently mocked). Thus, we can rediscover the Place Vendôme, the Arc de Triomphe, the Galeries Lafayette or even the Père Lachaise cemetery. But also the Paris metro…

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Lupine : an inconsistency crept into episode 1, find out what it is!

Indeed, as is common when filming takes place in Paris, several scenes were filmed on the metro platforms. If usually, directors regularly use a ghost station “Porte des Lilas” to shoot these scenes, in these episodes with Omar Sy, this is a priori not the case, as Françoise Duperthuis, the director, confirmed to us. production designer: “We filmed in a real resort” she explained to us. So, everything suggests that the metro scene in episode 6 actually took place at the Opera stop on line 8. So realistic filming, except for a few points. In the first episode of the season, a slight detail seems to have escaped the teams. Indeed, at the beginning of the episode, we see Lupine (Omar Sy) entering through the Trocadéro metro entrance, which serves lines 6 and 9 Small clarification, none of them is automatic, they operate with a driver on board. However, as soon as the scene arrives on the metro platform, we recognize from several details that we are on an automatic line, more precisely the line 14, due to its purple color code. Despite an effort of discretion (the blue signs indicating “Trocadéro” behind Omar Sy), when the character boards the train, at the next stop, we can read that we arrive at the stop…Pyramides, itself present on line 14. So, did they only turn at the Pyramides stop for this sequence or at several stations? In any case, this detail that most fans will probably not have seen, will certainly not have gone unnoticed by Parisians…

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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