Lydia Lozano, operated for the second time in two weeks

The second half of May has been presented before Lydia Lozano like a difficult slope to climb. In the middle of the month she had to undergo surgery to undergo surgery for some back problems that she has had since 2021, when she had cervical surgery; and at the end, after realizing that the pain in this area of ​​the body, far from decreasing, was increasing, she underwent surgery again as a result of the fracture of a vertebracausing a certain halo of concern due to the short time that has passed between the two interventions.

It was the television station itself who confirmed her last visit to the health center through a video call she made with her colleagues. Not even if we were Shh…who contacted her to discuss the confrontation she maintains Terelu Campos with the format, in general, and with Beln Esteban, in particular. The reason: Lydia Lozano shares the set Secessionon TVE, with the daughter of Mara Teresa Campos.

I was in the operating room again

The source from which the exclusive emanated was a crossroads of information. Well, I’m going to start with today because I have been with her, indeed, he began; then he blurted it out: This morning he asked me, were you there yesterday? I tell him no, I wasn’t there. I was in the operating room again. And she hasn’t told me anything anymore.

Immediately afterwards, without stopping talking, she continues responding to the matter for which she had been called.:And he asks me what happened yesterday? I told him that I saw it last night, that if he wanted I would send him the links and he told me no, that he didn’t want to see them. In principle the topic was going to be talked about. And he didn’t want to ask me what Matamoros said or what Belén said.

His appearance in Secession This same Friday he confirms that the severity of the operation does not prevent him from carrying out his work. Nor with leisure: after abandoning the format presented by Jaime Cantizano, as she herself has confessed to her former colleagues, she has sat on the terrace of a restaurant to have a drink. The second half of May has been going uphill, maybe not June.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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