Maite Perroni's husband denies that the actress is pregnant

MIAMI.- Andrés Tovarhusband of the Mexican actress and singer Maite Perroniaddressed the rumors about the alleged second pregnancy which began circulating in recent days on social media, after journalist Mandy Fridmann reported it on her Instagram stories.

Amid the controversy, Tovar broke her silence and denied the rumors that arose after the journalist’s post.

“It’s not true, we’re not pregnant, as soon as we are pregnant we’ll tell you, but not for now,” she told the Mexican program. Window shopping.

“Let it be what God wants”

However, the producer does not rule out the desire to see his family grow. “We would like Lía to grow up accompanied, of course, to grow the family. We are happy with her, of course, but we are also letting God and life do their thing.”

With these words, Andrés Tovar stressed that there are no plans to look for a new member of the family at the moment.

“We are not in any kind of procedure, far from it, we simply have our lives and hopefully it will be like this, whatever God wants.”

Maite Perroni and Andrés Tovar became parents on May 16, 2023, when they welcomed their firstborn Lía into the world.

The couple got married in October 2022, and after announcing the tour I am Rebel TourPerroni surprised her followers with her pregnancy.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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