Malena Alterio talks about the humiliating rejection of a director and her time at Aqu no hay hay que vivir

The Anthill has had this Wednesday as a guest Malena Alteriowho has presented his latest film, Let Nobody Sleep, which has received several nominations for the 2024 Goya Awards, and who has also talked about past projects, such as There is no one who lives herewhere he acquired great fame.

It is a series that will go down in the history of television in Spain. A series that managed to bring together entire families around the television to enjoy the episodes of a curious neighborhood. In her, Malena put herself in the shoes of Beln Lópeza character for whom he has a special affection: I have him quite integrated and I embrace him, because I feel very proud to have been part of this and that, suddenly, 20 years later, new generations continue to discover you and continue to find you on the street.

In fact, such was the success it had, that it even surpassed a Spanish football classic in viewership: There were episodes with nine million (viewers), Pablo Motos said first, to which the actress came in to correct him: No, no, I think that once we beat Bara-MadridOr am I making it up? I think so. In my documentation it says that you beat them, in fact, the presenter added later.

A series that, however, began as a project with little background, although that changed. We went from something that came from no one giving two dollarswhich was a commitment that Moreno had with Antena 3, that there were going to be five chapters and that’s it. But suddenly that started to hit, like that, a lot..

And from then on, fame knocked on the doors of the actors, among whom was Malena Alterio, who also had to deal with the B side of fame herself: I remember that, at the beginning, we came to record and said, they asked me for a photo, how cool. Then we can’t leave the house. The level of popularity began to grow a lot. Was a consequence of the fact that your work was working very well, but at the same time it was shocking, invasiveadded the actress.

Rejection from a casting director

Now, before experiencing the success of No One Lives Here, the actress had to endure humiliating rejection of a director to make an advertisement: It was to make an advertisement and there were a lot of us, The casting director came up and when he saw so many people he said he would start pointing out those who had no chance..

Malena, faced with this situation, lowered her gaze: I was trying not to look, but, suddenly, He tells me: You, get out. Amya told me another, two out of 100 people. And I said: But why? It was terrible and humiliating. I hope you are watching the program, Motos responded, to which the actress pointed out again: I hope you are watching it, look where I am….

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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