Mar Flores responds with a press release to the interview of her son Carlo Costanzia

The interview that Carlo Costanzia gave last Friday on Telecinco has fallen like a bucket of cold water on his family. The actor, known for his role in the Netflix series Toy Boy, She spoke openly about some of the most difficult moments in her life, such as her childhood, which she remembers as being very unhappy. or his problems with drugs and alcohol that began when he was only ten years old.

They sent me to Switzerland to a French-speaking boarding school where I didn’t understand anything, there in the mountains. In that isolated place my catastrophe occurred. I felt it like abandonment, he expressed about the decision his parents made at that moment to redirect their son. Daily drug consumption begins at twelve or thirteen years of age. An act of rebellion that becomes a personal oasis. An escape route, he also assured. A speech in which Carlo Costanzia blames his parents for everything he experienced.

Laura Matamoros, the actor’s cousin, reveals how Mar Flores feels after her son’s words. My aunt is devastated, it’s not fair. comments the influencer. I haven’t spoken to her because I know how to give her space, but I have spoken to my mother, who is her sister, and I know that my aunt is devastated. The war that is being waged now between Mar and Carlo Sr. is not fair, he adds.

Mar Flores’ reaction

Mar Flores’ reaction did not take long to happen. Although during the first hours after the broadcast of the interview on De Viernes!

The former model opted for silence as she was digesting her son’s words this Tuesday A forceful statement is made public where Carlo Costanzia’s mother asks for respect.


  • Mar Flores’ son shows his face in Espejo Público after being sentenced to 21 months in prison. In addition, he claims to have suffered harassment, depression and drug addiction.

  • Mar Flores responds with a press release to the interview of her son Carlo Costanzia

    The interpreter in the Netflix fiction ToyBoy has been convicted of a crime of fraud through a high-end car buying and selling business.

In the writing, Mar Flores He assures that he has nothing to comment on his son’s responses. They will not be the subject of any response or reply that gives rise to or motivates new comments or controversy in the media, it can be read. Furthermore, he insists that personal experiences are transmitted and as such are respectable.

If as a result of this interview comments are made or opinions are expressed that affect your fundamental rights such as honor, personal and family privacy, and self-image, The judicial actions that assist it will be exercised immediately.he concludes.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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