Mara Castro's scare in her fifth month of pregnancy: She stopped feeling the baby

This Saturday, María Castro lived a day to forget. This is what the actress herself, who plays Pia Adarre in The Promise, tells it on her social networks where she narrates in detail. the anguishing moment she suffered when she stopped feeling her five-month-old baby in the tummy. It should be remembered that this is the third pregnancy experienced by the 42-year-old Galician, who is the mother of two girls: Maia and Olivia.

I couldn’t feel the baby in my belly. I don’t have to feel it. Tomorrow I’m only nineteen weeks old, but a week and a half ago she did feel it, she begins to relate the shock still in her body. I stopped feeling that fluttering, that palpitating that belongs to the baby, he adds.

The one from Vigo, who always tells the good and the bad of pregnancy on her Instagram profile, continues saying: I guess you understand the stress, which really isn’t so much because I cover it up. I’m one to move on with life and park it in the corner of my head, but there’s the rumble. I suppose that those of you who have had an unfortunately not happy ending to your pregnancies, any symptom that escapes from what we do not consider to be normal, well, it is scary, it also expresses.

For greater peace of mind, Mara Castro A 5D ultrasound was performed that same day to ensure that her third daughter was in perfect condition.. I asked a follower if they echoed ahead of time. In fact, she asked me not to upload anything to social media because they had left her ultrasound machine, her professional one had broken (…) We could see the baby, hear the heartbeat, she stretched and turned around, confirm.

A chaotic first quarter

The third pregnancy is being, without a doubt, the most chaotic for the actress from Vigo. In her first trimester she had to deal with a lot of nausea that disrupted part of her daily life.. The first trimester was very hard, which is normal for a pregnancy. Also, you don’t say it publicly either in case anything happens, you’re working anyway, she says.

I was breastfeeding, so I couldn’t take anything for the nausea either. I ate it bareback. In the second trimester, I have begun the sweetest part. Now I have my usual energy, digestion is not good, but well…, he says in one of his latest posts.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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