Maria Corina calls for no witness to leave the voting center without the minutes in hand

Venezuelan opposition leader Maria Corina Machado voted this Sunday at the Elena de Bueno school in Los Chorros, amid a large security operation and with the presence of national and international media. Upon leaving, she had a conversation with journalists to whom she explained how she has seen the electoral process.

“What we are witnessing is the most important civic act in the contemporary history of Venezuela. Venezuelans have come out in a massive, organized way, as a family.”said Machado, who emerged victorious in the first opposition elections, but was disqualified by the Nicolás Maduro regime.

“In all the states, people started going out last night, something that has never been seen in the history of Venezuela (…) The centers are full of people. I went around this morning, in all the centers of the country what we are seeing is an overwhelming participation, and I feel very proud to be Venezuelan,” she added.

In this regard, he indicated that, according to data from his campaign team, the participation level at 1pm was 42.1% (close to 9 million voters).

Machado sent a message to the Venezuelan people to take care of the vote: “We need everyone to remain present at their polling stations (…) Witnesses have the right to their record. No witness leaves their polling station without having the record in hand.”

Asked if she trusts the electoral authority, she replied: “I trust the people, the people.”

“Today Venezuela is united. It is a certainty, we will be free, we will bring our children home, we will unite the country”concluded the leader who early in the morning took a motorcycle tour of the Caracas neighborhoods, where she was able to confirm the broad citizen participation.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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