Maria Corina Machado receives support from the presidents of Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay

CARACAS.- The leader of the Venezuelan opposition, Maria Corina Machadoreceived this Friday, July 26, the support of the presidents of Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay in view of the presidential elections on July 28, in which the candidate for democratic unity, Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutiawill face the Chavista leader, Nicolás Maduro.

From the social network X, Machado thanked the South American leaders for their support, solidarity and commitment towards the fight for democracy and freedom in Venezuela, especially in these “historic hours.”

According to the opposition, in a “grata” conversation he had with the Argentine president, Javier Mileyspoke about the support and commitment that their government has had during these months “so difficult for Venezuelans” and for the members of the Comando Con Venezuela, which is refugees at the Argentine Embassy in Caracas, since March 20th.

“I reiterated my confidence in the unbreakable libertarian spirit of Venezuelans and our conviction that this July 28 will be a historic civic feat. President Milei reaffirmed his support for our cause, for democratic values ​​and for freedom,” he added.

For his part, the Argentine president stated on his X account that he will always be “with the Venezuelan people in this fight for freedom”.

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Support for Maria Corina Machado

For his part, Machado spoke with the Paraguayan president, Santiago Peña, about the importance of the Election Day on July 28 in Venezuela, where the next president will be elected for the period 2025-2031. “I thanked him, on behalf of the Venezuelans, for your solidarity and support in these historic hours“, he noted.

Likewise, the opposition leader pointed out that the Uruguayan president, Luis Lacalle Pou, reaffirmed his commitment to the values ​​that unite them and expressed his admiration for the “great example of civic courage that Venezuelans give to the world.”

“We have said it over and over again: Free elections, respect for human rights and full democracy. Your commitment and effort for the Venezuelan cause is admirable,” Lacalle Pou responded to Machado in X.

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Source: With information from social networks

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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