You are currently viewing Marine Loiseau opens up about her troubles and her mental health

Ex-Miss France who became a doctor, Marine Ltemporel has published a book in which she shares her advice for preserving her health, both physical and mental. She confided openly in The question box on his “anxiety disorders” and his mental health, a subject that is particularly close to his heart.

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Marine Ltemporel shares her advice. The last few weeks have not been easy for the former beauty queen who announced on July 18 her separation from her ex-fiancé Christophe Malmezac. “Christophe and I have decided to continue our paths separately. We loved each other passionately and with respect for each other. We spent nine beautiful years filled with laughter, joys, sorrows, discussions, projects, memories. Memories that will remain engraved in our hearts. We will always be a pillar for each other. Life still has other plans for us.”, she shared on Instagram. The former Miss France left her Parisian life two years ago to join him in New Caledonia where she worked as a general practitioner, while continuing her activities on social networks at the same time.

“People need to dare to speak out”Marine Ltemporel talks about her anxiety problems and calls on the public to talk about it openly

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The start of the school year has been extremely busy for Marine Ltemporel! In fact, the general practitioner joined the band of Health magazine as a columnist and also released her book In great shape last August 30. In this book, the former Miss France shares her advice for preserving her physical and mental health, which is very close to her heart. Marine Lrouille now talks about it openly: she suffers from “anxiety disorders” as she recently explained in The question box on Canal+. “I suffer from anxiety disorders, and I spoke about it to try to popularize these subjects, so that people dare to speak out”she said, before continuing: “People need to dare to speak out about their own problems.” It is therefore very important according to Marine Ltemporel to break the taboo around mental health to allow their diagnosis as well as their treatment.

“Talking about your difficulties is already the first step” : Marine Ltemporel gives her advice to people going through a separation

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For several days, Marine Ltemporel has been on a media tour to publicize her book. She shares a lot of advice on television and on the radio, notably on David Lantin’s microphone on France Bleu. The reporter asked her what her advice was for getting over a breakup, a hot topic for the beauty queen. “I think that talking about your difficulties is already the first step to getting better, so take responsibility for your weaknesses, talk about them with those close to you to get appropriate help”she explained, and continued: “Turn to professionals, as I have already said, you have to know how to do it to get better, life is short, you have to try to seize happiness every day.”

The question boxto be found in full on the application myCANAL.”

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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