Mario Vaquerizo, unrecognizable for his role in The Queen of the Convent

Mario Vaquerizo returns to the big screen. Returns to theaters with a project that hopes to surprise the average audience, The queen of the convent, where he will also make his debut as a leading actor. A film directed by Carmen Perona Cabrera that seeks to enchant with a long comedy.

A film that also features the participation of another famous face on the Internet in addition to the singer of Nancys Rubias, and it is the influencer sweetnesswho also returns to the big screen after having made a cameo in the film Under the Same Roof (2019).

Now, back to Mario. It is worth highlighting her appearance, not only because she goes from making cameos to a main role, but because the transformation he has undergone to play this role. And it is enough to just see some of the images that the film’s profile has shared on Instagram to doubt whether it is Mario Vaquerizo who is posing in some of them.


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The first images of Mario in his new movie

The artist plays Juanita, an Andalusian woman who flees from her stepmother to later become, precisely, the queen of the convent, as the title of the film says. A role for which she has had to spend a good number of hours in makeup and hairdressing to change her image, changing her nose and forehead, in addition to highlighting her lips..

An image that has led many of his fans to doubt whether it is really him, and that will make more than one doubt in the movie theaters, where the film will arrive next February 2, which Vaquerizo himself defines as a beautiful comedy, a hymn to friendship, love and chosen family.

A film in which other famous faces from the small and big screen will also participate, such as Gemma Cuervo, Isabel Ordaz and Antonia San Juan.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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