
Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

N. Dahan, K. Cassuto, C. Beauvalet – France 3

France Televisions

Marseille is perhaps the city in France that holds the record number of PV per capita. The municipality is in charge of parking and tickets are raining down, while residents point to the lack of parking space in certain neighborhoods.

In doubles, in triple file, straddling the sidewalk. In this district of Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), it is impossible to park. Marie Reuland is a liberal nurse, she sees several patients every day in this sector. And each time, it’s a hassle to park it. “Even if we have the caduceus of a nurse, they don’t care and we take a lot of PV, every day”she regrets.

70,000 PV, 7,000 cars impounded since January 1

In the event of very inconvenient parking, the fines can climb up to 135 euros. In Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), nearly 70 minutes would be drawn up every hour. Drivers are disillusioned. “If you don’t have a garage, after 5 p.m. you can’t park”, observes a motorist. Since 1er last January, 70,000 PV would have been sent to the Marseillais, 7,000 cars placed in the pound. An unacceptable situation for the association 40 million motorists, which is calling for more parking spaces, and the creation of free relay car parks on the outskirts of the city.


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