Martha Cristiana resigns as director of Miss Universe Mexico

MIAMI.- The model and actress Martha Cristiana resigned from her role as director of the beauty pageant Miss Universe Mexico, just eight weeks after taking office. During a press conference, he denounced that the Mexican organization sells a false inclusion.

The designer also explained to the media that when she was offered the position she felt great emotion, since it would be part of an evolutionary process within beauty pageants and mainly in Mexico.

However, he said that his enthusiasm was short-lived, as the board of directors of the local contest informed him that they would not accept Transgender women or over 30 years oldsomething that the Miss Universe organization has said is admissible in the international pageant.

“There is an absolutely normalized transphobia in this country and I find it embarrassing that we even continue with that position and that we do not realize that at the end of the day we are all human beings and that we have the same right and that these rights also belong to the world of beauty,” he commented.


Cristiana asserted that the modification of the Miss Universe regulations was made with the hope that women who had the dream of representing their country could do so. However, she said that Mexican society is not yet willing to do so.

“It was fascinating to be able to be at that moment experiencing those changes: that the rules changed, that there was no age limit. In addition, we are going to do activism against ageism and we are going to give women permission to have their birthdays. Great. In addition to that, they can have any marital status, married, divorced, with children. I never in my life imagined that I would have to see that. You can imagine my excitement, my desire to be part of this organization, he explained.

“I said: ‘We Mexicans are going to see ourselves as progressive, inclusive, brave, loving people.’ It turns out that I have been in office for eight weeks… unfortunately things have not been as promised and I find myself in a truly uncomfortable situation.” where the answer is: trans? not at all, zero”.

During the press conference, Martha Cristiana highlighted that Ral Rocha Cant, co-owner of the Miss Universe organization, and the Thai Anne Jakrajutatip, a trans woman, have not been part of the obstacles that were presented to her during her brief tenure as director of the contest. Mexican.

“I want to say that Mr. Rocha Cant has nothing to do with this equation because of the following: he is the owner of the international franchise, he cannot be in the micro part, he is in the macro part, the global part, and unfortunately his people do not dares to tell him the truth.”

Including false

Despite not giving names, he made it clear that the limitations came from members of the board of directors of the local organization, which is currently led by the Cuban Osmel Sousa, known as the Tsar of Beauty for the crowns won during his time at Miss. Venezuela.

“What is discussed in the meetings is: ’40? She’s very old.’ Trans? That’s lip service. ‘That’s not going to happen. It’s not going to happen, Martha Cristiana,’ are her exact words,” she said.

“I need to give up this because you know that all my life, whatever it has cost me, I have always raised my voice and even more so when it comes to causes that are close to my heart, which is equity and gender inclusion. I should not and cannot be part of an organization that is managed in that way. And for that reason today I present my resignation to all of you because I cannot continue promising things that I know are not going to be fulfilled and I hope that this will help me. Keep your mouth shut and that this board of directors has the intelligence to include a trans woman,” he concluded.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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